Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Many African children are fatherless and motherless

Many African children are fatherless and motherless

Children are assets to national development in every part of the world. They are considered as future leaders, in this way they need every care, help, and education in their growth and development.

However, it very sad to see children, especially in Third World Countries roaming aimlessly on the streets, as if they were artificially dropped from nowhere to increase the population of their country of origin.

Children these days are traditionally the subject of ridicule, humiliation, and mental torture. Due to poverty, some parents are so cruel to their children to the extent that about sixty-five percent of children in poverty-stricken countries are forced into prostitution, crime and child-labor, thus; violating the rights of children.

In some parts of Asia, children often work in migrant labor camps for miserable wages. Some are forced by parents to work as slaves to pay their debts. 

Young depressed children who escape the harsh treatment in the labor camps are often sent back by their parents with threats. The question is why are some parents so cruel to their own children?

In an advanced country like the United States of America, each year it is estimated that one million children are abused. The suicide rate for 15-24-year-old has increased over the past twenty years. 

In Brazil children often playing or sleeping on the streets are "sprayed" to death by bullets from machine guns by what the gang child assassins called "Street Cleansing."

The question is if parents are not ready to take over the responsibility of the affair of their children, why did they bring them into the world to face such dangerous and unhealthy situations? 

The lower the level of children's care the more likely children are to be killed, abandoned, beaten, terrorized and sexually abused.

It is rather unfortunate that thousands of children who should be in school are on the streets, because of poverty. Let us not neglect the children. We need a change in our society, in our minds, feelings and in our patterns of work, law, education, and politics. 

We urgently need to see clearly, articulate precisely and above all act bodily on issues pertaining to children.

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Some of the survivors after the tsunami

Some of the survivors after the tsunami

Within a relatively short period between January 1st and December 31, 2004, thousands of people worldwide, experienced many ups and downs, ranging from social problems to natural disasters. 

As a matter of fact, the year 2004 was not all that amusing or a happy year for many people. 

The on-going war in Iraq, ethnic conflicts, and rebel activities in Africa, have claimed thousands of lives including children and the lucky ones who miraculously survived the carnages suddenly become prematurely orphans because Their parents have been killed.

Just as the year is coming to an end, a natural disaster "Tsunamis" which has never recorded in history, hit Asia, claiming over 120,000 lives, injuring scores on its deadly path and rendering thousands of people homeless.

Life is said to be a delicate balance between planned activities and unexpected circumstances. That doesn't mean that one has to give up in times of crisis. 

Since the year 2004 is gone forever, it is better all our troubles are buried with it, since the constant thinking of past problems could sometimes act as a stumbling block to our progress.

As the new year arrives, what are our hopes and expectations? Through God, faith, and positive thinking our hopes and dreams could be a reality. 

As individuals, we must put behind religious conflicts and live in peace to work together to make the year 2005 a prosperous and happy year for all.