Friday, February 12, 2016

The Truth Behind The Shooting Down Of Malaysian Flight MH17 Unfolds

Some of the prominent victims of the air disaster

Some of the prominent victims of the air disaster

Local residents battling HIV and AIDS are glued to the coverage of the crash involving Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 17. At least 100 of those killed when Flight 17 went down were top AIDS research scientists heading to an international conference on HIV and AIDS.

“We probably took a step back in time,” said Doris Caroll, an AIDS prevention advocate in West Palm Beach. A state licensed HIV and AIDS tester, Caroll said the ripples of losing all of those researchers will be felt around the world, including in her office.

“They mean the future of prevention, the future of treatment and maybe even eradicating HIV,” said Caroll. Those infected with HIV are now worried if the death of the researchers will impact their future."

“It hurts my heart because they were going to do more work. And just the fact that they were doing something for me,” said Stephanie June, a West Palm Beach woman who’s HIV positive.
June has lived with HIV for more than six years." 

She has a husband, a little daughter , and is living her life the way she wants to thanks to the researched done by scientists like the ones who were killed. June said she is indebted to all the researchers and scientists who died."

“If I didn’t have the medication right away when I was diagnosed, who knows where I would be?” said June. “I probably wouldn’t be standing here. But the fact is, they changed my life.”

This is one of the hundreds of publications which appeared in the newspapers, shortly after the plane carrying passengers, including the Aids researchers went down, before reaching Australia. The story generated a lot of controversies and conspiracies.

Like other scientists, investigators and researchers trying to find the real reason which led to the murder of the scientists, Dutch’s Micro-Surgeon and Scientist Johan Van Dongen has also different reasons from what the media want the public to believe.

“There were scientists on board flight MH17, including specialists and associates of French Doctors. Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier, who were to reveal that Aids and Ebola were man-made viruses used as bio-weapons in Africa,” said Prof. Dongen.

In all the literature, it appears to me that scientists were doing a social thing by finding a solution for Africa… Once they could have succeeded, this means also that the depopulation of Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc, would have come to an end.”

“I will not think of a conspiracy theory but I do think that those criminals who are responsible for the depopulation of Africa, made a party after the plane came down because the threat of being exposed is finally quashed.” Said Prof. Dongen.