Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Why Is The Media Now Witch Hunting On Donald Trump?

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

They may not even talk about you. What you do may not even be a matter of talk of the town. People may not even care about you or your efforts, but as soon as the impact of your success reflects on society, people will start investigating your background, and bring whatever wrong you have done or said against you, just to create barriers for you.

That’s the case of Donald Trump at the moment. Since he won the Nevada Republican caucuses by a huge margin, chalking up his third straight triumph in the party’s presidential nominating process and building momentum ahead of a critical multi-state, many are upset and wish to cause his downfall.

In the past, many are not interested to find out what Donald Trump said or did, but now he is under the subject of witch haunting. I wasn’t surprised to see compilations of statements of Donald Trump, by individuals and section of the media taking them as insults, just to convince Americans Trump is not the right person for them.

Against George W. Bush Trump said,” He is a liar because he invaded Iraq while there aren’t any weapons of mass destruction.” I don’t hold anything against Trump here, because he said the truth. 

Against Jeb Bush, Trump said “every one of those people who contributed is getting something to the detriment of America” Is Trump wrong to make such a statement? I don’t think so.

Against Barack Obama, Trump said, “Perhaps the worst president in U.S. history!” “spends so much time speaking of the so-called Carbon footprint, and yet he flies all the way to Hawaii on a massive old 747” “Is our president insane?” 

“He has a horrible attitude” “he is just so bad!” “I did much better on 60 Minutes last week than President Obama did tonight” “terrible”“incompetent leader” “all talk & no action” “hollowing out our military” “weak & ineffective”.

Since politics is often said to be a dirty game, what Donald Trump has said in the past or present doesn’t matter to me. The question is: Why is the media witch-hunting him now? 

Is it because he is doing well on his campaign trail? There is a lot the media needs to do than seeking the failure of Donald Trump from becoming America’s next president.

I have said over and over and will say once again. I can only regain confidence in the European and American media, if they uncover the medical crimes Europe and America committed against Africa, because that’s what will restore their lost credibility, and restore the faith of many readers and viewers they have lost.