Sunday, December 23, 2018

Barack Obama - The Kind Of Man Michelle Obama Married

Michelle and Barack Obama

Michelle and Barack Obama

Michelle Obama, the former first lady, behind Barack Obama, is one of the most respected women in the world. Her love and respect for mankind have no boundary, yet her husband committed the most serious crime during his tenure in the White House in the year 2014.

Both Michelle and Barack Obama originate from Africa, one of the richest continents in the world, which treasures have been one of the reasons Europe and America have maintained a flexible economy today. Even Africa's artifacts weren't spared, they stole everything.

Unfortunately, Africa doesn’t benefit from its rich resources. Instead, the continent's resources have been a curse, leading to all kinds of cruelty against Africa. There is no continent in the world which has suffered such a great deal like Africa.

It has suffered domination and all kinds of cruelties, ranging from slavery, colonial brutality, Apartheid, the deliberate spread of diseases and the test of biological weapons. Thus, it was a hope for many black people around the globe, including Africa, that since Obama is the first black US president he will lift the image of Africa.

Unfortunately, it was a false hope. Obama under oath, swears to defend and protect the US constitution which involves the clandestine activities of spreading man-made diseases and the test of biological weapons.

Obama has no choice, he wouldn't like to be called a coward American leader, even when comes to the killing of his own parents in Africa. In the year 2014, the US government under Obama's administration opened the hell gate of Ebola on three West African countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, in support of the US government biological project for global depopulation.

In one of Michelle Obama’s interview with NBC television, she said that Barack Obama is a perfect husband and father, but he often wins, playing tennis with his wife. “It's annoying,” said Michelle Obama.

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