Saturday, February 02, 2019


Francisca Savage

Francisca Savage

Many experts and doctors claim that any man is polygamous by nature. This means that they absolutely cannot remain faithful to one woman, but be tempted to love another woman or cheat on your wife because as human beings it’s really hard to resist temptation sometimes.

If that’s true why there are there marriages that have lasted from the very first day till death separate them? In fact, there are thousands of faithful men in their entire lives who loved only one woman.

January 1,  2018, marked 24 years of our wedding anniversary. On that day, I promised to go forward without looking back, prepared to face the rigours of marriage and settle as a responsible man.

Before then finding or choosing the right woman to be my future partner was like a nightmare, taking into consideration the number of people getting a divorce every day after tying the knot.

It’s very common to see hundreds of couples at wedding ceremonies, particularly on Sundays, making vows and promises to love each other, and bringing an entire room to tears. 

After the wedding or traditional marriage, it starts a big celebration together with family and friends, and the couple full of hopes and dreams, but like the fading sun, many marriages fail to last.

Marriages are now characterized by many problems to the extent that many fear to marry. As a matter of fact, marriage is a journey not only full of happiness but also pain, tragedies, misery, sadness, and uncertainty.

Even though there are hundreds of articles online and books on how to be a successful couple to enjoy a happy marriage, many marriages still end up in separation or divorce.

The question is: Why some marriages last forever and others disintegrate? There are many reasons leading to the break-up of marriages, but most reasons are not spending enough time together with your partner, cheating, allowing bitterness and resentment to overrule the heart, hard to forgive, and financial issues.

Making vows are very easy but the results of some bitter separations and divorces could be disastrous. Some break-up of marriages has led partners to mental institutions and others after a long time still find it difficult to come to terms with what had happened to them.

If children are involved some are badly affected depending on how old they are. It is unfortunate that many couples do not recognize the Holy Bible as one of the best books that could guide marriage to success and happiness.

Gen 49:4, Mal 2:14, Matt 23:30, Deut 24:5, Mark 12:23 etc, all speak about marriages. When I got married on January 1, 1994, I realized that wealth doesn’t guarantee a happy marriage, but faithfulness, respect, fulfilling your commitments and equally sharing responsibilities.

I have enjoyed a happy marriage over two decades, knowing that there is more happiness ahead of me, because I have a good wife, who loves and respects me, while I give back the same love and respect to her.

On many occasions when my wife is busy at work and at home, I usually ask her what she would like me to cook. By the time she returns, food is ready for her and the children.

Mr. and Mrs. Francisca / Joel Savage

Mr. and Mrs. Francisca / Joel Savage

Taking such responsibilities strengthens marriage. I have heard many times men saying, “I’m not stupid to let my woman knows how much I earn.” That’s a very big mistake; one of the strongest foundations of marriage is transparency.

When you are a married man, don’t hide anything from your wife. Your wife is the one who can manage your finances very well if there are trust and mutual understanding.

Many times, I forget that I have even given her money to keep for me until she reminds me. ‘A woman is like a beautiful flower in the middle of the garden and the man is the fence around her.’ That’s a Ghanaian proverb, I think so.

Be ready to say to your wife, “I am sorry,” any time you make a mistake. If you find it hard to apologize to your wife, there will always be a misunderstanding.

Give your wife the respect, love, and protection she needs and surely you will also be a happy man. We are blessed with three sons and from every angle, I can't see what is strong enough to separate us than death.

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