Saturday, April 25, 2020


The map of global infection of the coronavirus

The map of global infection of the coronavirus

After the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic in China, Europe and the USA, the initial thoughts about Africa by the advanced countries is that the African continent will be hit very hard with a high number of cases, because Africa, is a traditional place for the rapid spread of any viruses, fragile healthcare, and difficult fight against diseases.

Africa is popular not because of its treasures of gold, diamond, cobalt, silver, etc, but a continent with diseases and poverty. But the truth which the foreign media never mention is, apart from malaria that is prevalent on the continent, some diseases, including Aids, Ebola, nodding disease, etc, aren't natural, they were man-made.

Surprisingly, it appears that the coronavirus pandemic in Europe and the USA have become the front page news today, without much attention on Africa because the continent often referred to as the white man’s grave, due to the malaria that killed the white explorers, has the least infection of the coronavirus.

It is obvious that past experiences of the continent in dealing with diseases, prepared them fully to maintain strict medical rules to fight the pandemic than Europe and America. In my opinion, Africa needs applause for doing better towards the fight of the coronavirus than Europe and America.

At the moment, Africa seems to have a relatively low number of coronavirus. In fact, the high number of coronavirus infections around the globe, especially in Europe and America, despite having the best medical facilities, reveals that Africa has suffered certain diseases not because the continent is poor.

Africa is actually emerging from protracted crises, including strange diseases reinforced on them by certain governments, just to destabilize the continent’s economy, to slow down its growth as a measure to prevent the continent from being independent, and  also as a means to take control over the continent’s resources which superpower countries depend on for their survival.

Paradoxically, Africa did not turn out to be the most affected region of the coronavirus in the world, rather the USA, Spain, Italy, and other countries and regions classified by the United Nations as developed countries are those hard hit.

At the end of March to the beginning of April, COVID-19 was recorded in 25 countries in Africa, including landlocked states, such as the Central African Republic and small states Seychelles and Equatorial Guinea.

Since the outbreak, more than 27,385 cases of infections have been confirmed, with over 1,297 deaths recorded in 45 countries, hitting hard in South Africa, some countries in West Africa, and Algeria.

As a matter of fact, those superpowers or advanced countries that underestimate Africa during the coronavirus pandemic because of the fragile health care system must rather learn for Africa, how they are coping and preventing the high spread of the disease.

According to Worldometer, an  organization that collects global statistics and data pertaining to the coronavirus, so far, world infection stands at 2,834,136 and 197,373 deaths registered.

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