Saturday, April 11, 2020


The Ebola and COVID-19 viruses

The Ebola and COVID-19 viruses

This is an article I am expecting foreign journalists that pretend interested in Africa to put forward, the fact that despite Africa’s fragile healthcare system, they have courage, experience and strength to face the reality of epidemics than the United States of America.

To politicians around the globe and health institutions, including the World Health Organization and the Centers for Diseases Control, lying is part of politics and the handling of state affairs, hoping it will create a wonderful world but no one is seeing that today.

I care about humanity, whether black, white, Chinese or the Japanese, therefore, assuming I am a scientist, I don’t think I will ever have the desire to hurt a human being, let alone to create a disease to target a particular race and to tell the world that primates, bats or monkeys are responsible.

We must acknowledge the fact that bad policies, greed, selfishness and the lack of conscience and integrity in politics, have destroyed the world beyond remedy than global warming. 

I do laugh sometimes, about the hypocrisy behind global warming conferences. World leaders want us to know that if human beings wouldn’t change their ways of living, to make the world a better place, all of us will perish because of the threat of global warming.

Yet, the same world leaders that want to change things to save the planet have no intention to talk about the use of deliberate biological weapons on humans. The fact is certain epidemics or diseases often taken its toll on third world citizens were man-made.

We can’t ignore the fact that HIV and the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), is a global issue at the moment but it was meant for Africa. Before anyone will question me about this remark, I will first ask you a simple question.

According to the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, poverty and the lack of education, are some of the reasons HIV-Aids took its toll heavily on Africans than any other race in this world. If that's true, why is it that African-Americans have been killed by the same disease in America than any race? Are they also experiencing poverty and illiteracy?

This is enough to acknowledge the fact that there are certain people out there that create diseases with the intention to destroy a particular race. 

Why one particular continent called Africa, inhabited by black people, should suffer slavery, brutalities of colonialism, Apartheid, Aids and Ebola biological weapons, if the so-called superpowers or advanced countries want Africa to be a successful continent?

The Ebola biological weapon that was triggered by the US government, under the administration of Barack Obama, in the eyes of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Diseases Control, was a crime against humanity.

Instead, they lied to the world that bats are responsible for the spread of the virus that killed over 11,000 people in the West African countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, then continuously, killed the Congolese for their rich resources.

In a world that people easily believe in lies than the truth, many still follow the lies of the Centers for Disease Control Control,” without a slight knowledge that Ebola is a biological weapon since the CDC has posted this blatant lies at their website about the Ebola virus:

CDC’s lies about the Ebola biological weapon

{The initial case, or index patient, was reported in December 2013. An 18-month-old boy from a small village in Guinea is believed to have been infected by bats. After five additional cases of fatal diarrhea occurred in that area, an official medical alert was issued on January 24, 2014, to the district health officials.

The Ebola virus soon spread to Guinea’s capital city of Conakry, and on March 13, 2014, the Ministry of Health in Guinea issued an alert for an unidentified illness. Shortly after, the Pasteur Institute in France confirmed the illness as EVD caused by Zaire ebolavirus. On March 23, 2014, with 49 confirmed cases and 29 deaths, the WHO officially declared an outbreak of EVD.}

This is enough to let every intelligent person who cared about proper healthcare and humanity, to acknowledge the fact that we now live in a dangerous world, since the CDC and WHO, have filled their websites with false information about diseases that are biological weapons or man-made.

Everyone dreams of this world becoming a better place, free of crime and violence, yet we have presidents, celebrities, including film actresses, actors, musicians, and rich people that care only about money and, therefore, wouldn’t raise their voices against crimes committed by the US government, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control.

Those rich celebrities can’t stand losing their wealth and friends, for speaking the truth, but they often forget that what goes around comes around. Today, American celebrities and the rich are facing the grim terror of the coronavirus. 

According to 'WorldOMeter,' an international team of developers and researchers, providing world statistics of the pandemics, America alone has registered 1,722,514 cases of the coronavirus, with 104,775 deaths.

I am not writing this article because I am happy about it but the fact that innocent people have perished for nothing disturbs me since they don’t deserve it. The US government has committed too much crime against humanity, yet innocent people are those that receive wages.

The deliberate infection of Sierra Leoneans, Liberians, Guineans and the Congolese with Ebola and the lies behind it, has appeared a reality as coronavirus in America, for the US government to learn something significant from it. 

It’s only a matter of time, things will come to normal but my question is will America change its wicked policies or continue to steal Africans resources, through contaminated vaccines and biological weapons? A word to the wise is enough.

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