Saturday, April 18, 2020


Statistic data on the coronavirus situation in Ghana

Statistic data on the coronavirus situation in Ghana

Experience is said to be a good teacher and it really makes sense. Since the African continent is the only among other continents that has suffered a great deal of diseases, including the outbreak of epidemics, it seems they were fully prepared to fight the coronavirus.

So far, the African continent often referred to as the 'white man's grave,' due to the prevalence of malaria, Aids, Ebola, nodding disease, Burkitt's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, etc, appears to be the continent with the less impact of the coronavirus.

Like other African governments, the Ghanaian government, implemented strict medical measures and rules in the country, just to avoid the spread of the disease and it seems that quick thinking has worked.

According to the Ghana Health Service, the country has recorded a total of 834 infections and quick reference from the 'WorldOMeter,' a reputable organization, providing world statistics and data on the coronavirus, also revealed exact figure of 834, with 9 deaths.

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