Thursday, April 30, 2020


Images of Obama, Biden, and Trump

Images of Obama, Biden, and Trump

American politics is not only becoming meaningless and hypocritical but also deceitful. Those that hate Donald Trump, are hypocrites. I will tell readers the reason.

Where comes from this witch-hunting surrounding the presidency of Donald Trump? Is Trump responsible for the coronavirus? Which American president would have done better than Trump in this COVID 19 crisis?

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks took the American government by surprise but the government under Obama's administration can't deny that they are not aware that Ebola is going to strike West Africa, because it was a bio-weapon planted and triggered in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia by the American government.

Obama passed through the most unpleasant situations, including racism, hate, and discrimination during his political campaign before becoming the first black president of the United States of America.

To reduce or eliminate that hatred in America, Obama did both evil and good things to please the world and Americans. The killing of Africans with Ebola, as a bio-weapon, for the military defending purpose, was one of the evil things Obama did under his administration.

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,' said Obama and he did it by killing Africans with Ebola, to please the American government.

That truly confirmed and affirmed Obama as a 'great' president. Should in case he couldn't do that murderous task because he is an African, would have portrayed him as a weak leader. 

We understand Donald Trump promising to make America great again. There are many things going on clandestine in America, which he is against it and wants to change it. Who knows if the medical bio-weapons against Africa are among some of the issues he wants to tackle.

Now under his administration, the world waits patiently to see what happens to Africa after HIV/Aids, Ebola, and other man-made diseases. 

The world is also interested to see how he will take the realms of the corrupt pharmaceuticals, science, and public health because there are certain institutions, such as WHO and CDC, that needed to be closed down indefinitely or purged but still operating because of their criminal activities.

Americans have never seen the kind of a man like Trump as a president. They don't hate Trump because he is a bad man but they are scared he is going to reveal more of hidden secrets because he is an open-minded person.

Obama’s first few months in office

When the H1N1 flu pandemic broke out within Obama’s first few months in office, according to WHO's Mr. FLU Ab Osterhaus, nearly 61 million Americans eventually contracted it. He later had to contend with the worst outbreak of Ebola in history, which left thousands dead in Africa as a result.

We think Trump could not be more different. Where Obama was calm, perhaps a little aloof in his critics’ eyes, Trump will act in a situation like this as an unguided projectile; “A single Ebola carrier infects 2 others at a minimum,” Trump tweeted in November 2014.


Trump even became conspiratorial at times, casting doubt on the scientific consensus. But despite that Trump too takes the crisis seriously, he said repeatedly on the campaign trail how much he had heard about it.

In the final weeks of the campaign, Trump laid out a detailed plan for addressing the crisis. He emphasized the need for better additional treatment and reiterated policies supported by Obama, such as raising the cap on how many patients doctors can treat for opioid addiction.

Trump could focus more on law enforcement than Obama did. He liked to say on the trail that his proposed wall on the Mexican border would keep out heroin along with undocumented immigrants. 

But unless the president-elect departs dramatically from his campaign rhetoric, he will largely build on what Obama has started.

Why today if the coronavirus which Trump is not responsible has killed thousands of Americans, the opposition party wants to use this against him? 

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden are among some of the wicked souls that destroyed America before Trump became president. Surprisingly, some impaired vision Americans can't acknowledge this fact.

In my opinion, it will be the biggest mistake in the political history of America, if Joe Biden is elected as the president of the United States of America.

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