Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Bill Gates, a smooth criminal?

Bill Gates, a smooth criminal?

The Microsoft Founder, Bill Gates, said his philanthropic organization would invest by setting up factories for seven companies, ultimately, focusing on only one or two of them, “so we won’t waste time asking which vaccine is working and only then we will fund the plants for its production. 

In the Daily Show, Gates said his philanthropic organization, the Gates Foundation could work faster than governments in the Corona war. "Because our organization has such extensive expertise in communicable diseases."

"We have thought about the epidemic and funded a number of things to make us more prepared, like trying to vaccinate. Our money can accelerate processes," Gates said.

Gates said he chose the seven top vaccine candidates and plans to build manufacturing facilities for them. "Although we will only continue to support only one or two of these.

We intend to fund all seven establishments so that we do not waste time asking first which vaccine works, and only then will we fund the plant for its production," he said.

In a Washington Post article earlier this week, Gates wrote that some of the top candidates needed very specific equipment. 

"These will be a few billion dollars that we will spend on trials that will not lead to a vaccine, but what are a few billion in the current situation, causing a loss of trillions of dollars ... it's worth it."

He added that the organization headed by him "can make it happen and thus save months, as each month is critical." Gates and his wife Melinda have already pledged to donate $ 100 million to the Corona war, including the effort to send home checks to Washington state residents. 

In an article Gates urged the government to impose more severe quarantine conditions in all countries, estimating that the United States would need ten weeks of general quarantine to effectively deal with the outbreak of the virus."

These are some of the articles that when people read, they immediately give applause to Bill Gates, appreciating his philanthropic works around the globe. However, they fail to realize that Bill Gates engages in vaccine trials only in poor countries.

Why does he fund pharmaceutical companies to test new vaccines in third world countries? Because he takes poverty in poor countries as an advantage of using the people as guinea pigs. This is one of the reasons he wants to bring his coronavirus vaccines to Africa.

The impact of the coronavirus in America and Europe is terrible than Africa, I, therefore, support the French doctor, Didier Raoult, "Bill Gates must try his new coronavirus vaccines first in Europe or America, not Africa."

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