Tuesday, April 07, 2020


Under the umbrella of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates has been testing new vaccines in the third world

Under the umbrella of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates has been testing new vaccines in the third world

There are many people very rich that they earn their respect from just being rich but what they do, whether it is good or bad, doesn't matter to the people that often worship them. This is actually a form of stupidity and ignorance. 

I categorized people, including African leaders, who think Bill Gates is another messiah, always ready to help Africa or any third world country, as stupid, foolish and ignorant.

Bill Gates never studied medicine, therefore, any intelligent person should ask: why the Microsoft founder is always close to the World Health Organization? Has the WHO employed him? This is also an important question. 

The secret behind the collaboration of the World Health Organization with Bill Gates, which the mainstream media, including CNN and BBC, have never told the general public is Gates finances the manufacture of new vaccines.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which slogan is: 'the dedication to improving the quality of life for individuals,' actually uses citizens of the third world countries as guinea pigs in testing new drugs and vaccines manufactured by the US pharmaceutical companies for the World Health Organization.

It has been proved and recorded that some of the vaccines Bill Gates administered in some third world countries have been fatal. 

In 2009, school children in the district of Telangana in India had vaccines of Gardasil, manufactured by Merck, by the Bill Gates’ Foundation. The girls were administered the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, against cervical cancer. Months later, the health of the students deteriorated and five died.

If anyone reads 'Aids, Origin, Spread And Healing,' by the German medical doctor, Wolff Geisler, you will be shocked to believe medical crimes committed in Africa by the US government, under the supervision of the World Health Organization.

Instead of an apology, the World Health Organization sends a message to Africa: "Africa will not be testing ground for a vaccine against the coronavirus." Why would any intelligent African believe them after committing so many medical crimes on the continent?

Like George Soros, the Hungarian-American billionaire, and Ted Turner, the founder of CNN, Bill Gates is always worried about overpopulation in the third world, especially, Africa and always looking for ways to reduce the rapid growth of the population.

This is actually, the reason Bill Gates has been close to the World Health Organization and pharmaceutical companies. He gets millions of dollars from new drugs he tests on 'guinea-pig-humans' in the third world. 

Most of Bill Gates' vaccines that he claims to improve the quality of life are heavily contacted to reduce the birth rate in Africa. In Kenya, over 500,000 young girls and women were made infertile, following a tetanus vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015. 

They had no idea that the state-sponsored sterilization exercise vaccine for tetanus was contaminated to make the women barren. Can the World Health Organization deny that they had no knowledge about this medical crime?

For a very long time, Bill Gates is sorely disturbed about the influx of African immigrants crossing the Mediterranean sea to Europe. Since he has no power to do anything about that he warned the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel about it in 2017.

Even though Bill Gates couldn't stop illegal Africans crossing the Mediterranean to Europe, the full force of the coronavirus epidemic has reduced the rate of the dangerous voyage to Europe.

1 comment:

  1. Pierwsze zatajone przypadki zakażenia koronawirusem w Chinach, były już w połowie listopada. W grudniu informowali o tym lekarze, a także niezależni blogerzy w internecie. Jednym z lekarzy, który pierwszy poinforował o koronawirusie był lekarz Li Wenliang. Za to partia komunistyczna, aresztowała lekarz i poddała go torturom - aby zaprzeczył istnienie koronawirusa. 30 Stycznia bohaterski Lekarz Li Wenliang umiera, właśnie na koronawirusa. W swoim testamecie przytacza słowa św. Pawła, „W najlepszym zawodach wystąpiłem, bieg ukończyłem, wiary ustrzegłem.” 2 Lista do Tymoteusza 4, 7-8
    Petycja o ukaranie komunistycznych Chin, za ukrywanie prawdy o koronawirusie. https://tiny.pl/tbb4g
