Tuesday, May 05, 2020


It is CNN that hates Trump, not Trump that hates CNN

It is CNN that hates Trump, not Trump that hates CNN

Many believe that Trump hates the independent American mainstream media.  I don’t think so, in my opinion, it’s the media that hates Donald Trump, one of such is the Cable Network News – CNN.

Journalism is a very prestigious and demanded area today. With thousands of news channels around the globe, it is necessary to have a number of qualities that distinguish a specialist from an amateur. 

CNN is trying everything to be ahead as one of the best media ever to exist today, unfortunately, the media lacks professionalism in news dissemination. About Donald Trump, CNN has proved to be unrealistic and full of hate.

Lets us face the fact, the confrontation between Donald Trump and the media continues to gain momentum. During one of his briefings at the White House, representatives of a number of liberal publications and television companies were not allowed to attend.

The bitter US president has been criticizing the media, calling them fake news and as a whole, enemies of the people. Is the president right or wrong? 

As someone who likes to know what is happening or taking place around us by listening to different sources of news, I have never seen the indifference, aggressive, arrogance, and degrading service CNN offers anytime on Donald Trump.

CNN has been witch hunting, always looking for something to implicate or throw dust on Donald Trump. There have been previous presidents, including Barack Obama, before Trump but the fact is I didn't see this indifference from CNN, until now.

No matter how provocative a president is CNN must maintain professionalism, with vivid exposition, and dynamic coverage of key points, instead, you see that CNN comes with certain prepared agendas, either to discredit the president or portray him a liar.

The fact is in this modern era that evil has overcome good and lies rule in supremacy, everyone is a liar, including CNN. CNN says they have a qualified doctor called Sanjay Gupta, but this man has never ever in his lifetime spoken the truth about the true origins of HIV-Aids and Ebola.

I heard him once saying bats are responsible for the spread of Ebola. This is from someone who claims to be a qualified doctor, scientist, or whatever. This is a complete disgrace when even an uneducated person in the remotest part of the world knows that Ebola is a biological weapon.

CNN has promoted the lies of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control for years and has failed without shame or regret, to speak about the testing of drugs and vaccines in the third world by the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.'

On politics, CNN makes fun of Trump about what he says or said, trying to convince the public that statement is either meaningless or senseless and due to these tactics CNN has adopted to smear dirt on Trump, many Americans, including the opposition, hate Trump.

Trump is aware of that too, else he wouldn't say that he believes that "CNN is harmful to the US and, therefore, it is necessary to create a new media that will deal with broadcasting."

The concept of democracy or free will doesn't mean hate, therefore, CNN must stop promoting hate in America. I am not the only person that feels this way about CNN, so, the news media must find a different approach and prove to be professionals. 

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