Friday, May 08, 2020


China and America are pointing fingers at each other about the coronavirus

China and America are pointing fingers at each other about the coronavirus

In the latest verbal war between the Chinese and the US governments, China says if lawsuits are filed against the Chinese government, then China would also file a suit against America for the HIV/AIDS epidemics and the Spanish Flu, in 1918.

There are many reasons, this writer, Joel Savage, has many readers around the globe. In fact, at times, I wonder why a common writer like me, has such a force of readers who like what I write. You and I are about to know one of the reasons today.

On Sunday, April 12, I published an article entitled: 

Angry people around the world, including many of those who have lost their loved ones by the coronavirus or COVID 19, want justice, simply because of the source of the pandemic, Wuhan, China, on the grounds that the Chinese government has committed a heinous crime against humanity.

I wrote further that, if an investigation is done and it comes to the conclusion that the coronavirus from Wuhan is a biological weapon, still, no one, not even the US government, the International Criminal Court or the United Nations can hold China responsible.

The reason I wrote that particular article is that in the past, the US government has engaged in biological weapon programs, such as the 1918 Spanish flu, HIV-Aids, and Ebola, in total, killing millions of people, yet nobody held the US government responsible for such crimes.

Thus, if the coronavirus is a biological weapon, who can hold the Chinese government responsible? Nobody can hold China responsible for a crime against humanity. 

It has appeared that the Global Times published an article demanding China not to be blamed for the coronavirus spread.

Instead, America must compensate the international society, since the US government is responsible for the Spanish Flu, AIDS and other epidemics.

Ever since the coronavirus emerged from Wuhan, China, even though China claims that the virus is from the animal market, many are skeptical about this theory. 

The Dutch scientist and microsurgeon, Johan van Dongen, has said "the corona is a man-made virus with an HIV-like component. While the French Virologist, Luc Montagnier Believe Coronavirus Comes From Wuhan Laboratory The latest of the accusation comes from Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State.

In this time of the coronavirus, America feels bitter because the country has experienced a greater part of the impact. So far, the US government has recorded 1,299,772 cases and 77,559 deaths.

In my opinion, the US government must stop bothering China over the true origin of the coronavirus. If the virus is a biological weapon, the Chinses government is not going to tell them the truth because the US government has never spoken the truth about its biological warfare programs. 

The US government never apologizes for medical crimes committed anywhere around the globe, let alone accept responsibility for crimes against humanity.

Therefore, they shouldn't expect the brave and superpower Chinese government to say: "We are sorry the coronavirus is a biological weapon." 

Like the rumors that have accompanied every biological weapon of the US government, the same rumors will follow the coronavirus. Even though it's a biological weapon, the truth will remain suppressed. 

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