African-Americans were subjected to all kinds of cruelties, including lynching and hanging because of the colour of the skin
How much more can African-Americans take? According to history, the first slave ship from Africa arrived in the US colony of Virginia in 1619. From there on, without any rest African slaves, struggling to be accepted as human beings or Americans, today, were subjected to all kinds of cruelties, dehumanization, and discrimination.
This article is to present in images of the horror, killings, racism, discrimination that have been perpetrated against African-Americans, ever since they disembarked from the slave ships till today.
The beginning of the sad story of African-Americans
- Image of the Cape Coast Castle, where thousands of African slaves were shipped from Africa to the United States of America
How African slaves were crammed into a ship and taken away to America
- Thousands of African-American slaves under brutal conditions, worked with tears in the cotton fields.
- The Klu Klux Klan, a racial hate group, terrorized African-Americans and burned down their houses
- African-Americans were lynched and hanged by white Americans because of the colour of his skins
- Police brutality against blacks in America has been taking place for ages with impunity
It will be an infinite task if I have to continue posting horrific images of brutalities against African-Americans. The African-Americans never called for slavery but the wake up one morning to see themselves in a strange land. They never called for the lynching and hanging but they have been caught in between such crimes with impunity.
There is a significant Ghanaian proverb which says, "A child who wouldn't allow his or her parents to sleep by crying the whole night, will also not sleep. If it's the wish or desire for some people to kill blacks or cause them harm because of the colour of the skin or hate, they will never know peace.
They will never have the sweet taste of peace because when the rain falls, it doesn't fall on one man's roof. Since violence affects everyone in society, they will have their share and impact on society from the senseless racial problem and hate they started.
Racial prejudice means weakness, evolved people respect differences. In the middle of the 21st century, people in general should have learned from the mistakes of the past that differences exist so that we can respect and evolve with them.