Saturday, May 23, 2020


A piece of evidence that Africans believe in Dr. Didier Raoult than Bill Gates

A piece of evidence that Africans believe in Dr. Didier Raoult than Bill Gates

The current debate or controversy in America over chloroquine - hydroxychloroquine, is not in the interest to save the lives of coronavirus patients but only to make profits from certain drugs that Bill Gates has funded for the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control.

The mainstream media, that Trump often calls 'Fake News,' political opponents and some organizations, including the Food and Drug Administration, are condemning the usage of the medicine, despite Donald Trump claims that he is using the drug to protect him from infection.

As a matter of fact, politics in America and hate against the president, have done more harm to the American public than good. Since the time the French doctor, Didier Raoult declared that hydroxychloroquine can be useful for coronavirus patients, the doctor has become a public enemy.

The fact that pharmaceutical companies are interested in making vaccines to generate profit, those not interested to use the drug continue declaring the chloroquine dangerous for humans. However, there have been a trial in France and the result wasn't bad as the fake American media want everyone to believe.

The world knows that Israel is a country with great scientists. They are intelligent enough to know if hydroxychloroquine is dangerous to humans. In my opinion, if the drug is dangerous Israel wouldn't approve it: Reference:  ISRAEL APPROVES CHLOROQUINE FOR TREATING COVID - 19.

The hydroxychloroquine is a molecule derived from chloroquine whose structure is chemically similar, properties are common but hydroxychloroquine does not have an indication in the treatment of malaria in France. It has been used for many years in the treatment of certain autoimmune pathologies under the name of Plaquenil.

This medication is recommended for people with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus. It is also used to prevent allergies caused by the sun ( lucite). It is administered orally and comes in the form of a tablet to be taken at the end of meals. 

 The dosage and duration of treatment vary depending on the disorders presented. This medication is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, during breastfeeding and in cases of retinal disease (retinopathy).

Is chloroquine or its derivative hydroxychloroquine actually good for the treatment of coronavirus? To find out, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced on March 21 the launch of  a trial a named  Discovery and coordinated by Inserm,  to test the effectiveness of four treatments including chloroquine on 3,200 coronavirus patients, including 800 French patients. 

Without waiting for results and faced with the influx of Covid-19 patients in France, the government authorized on March 26 the administration of this drug to patients with severe forms of the coronavirus. 

This was a decision certainly driven by the evidence of effectiveness of treatment provided by Pr Didier Raoult, Director of the Mediterranean Infection Marseille University Hospital Institute (Bouches-du-Rhône)

On March 26, 2020, a decree was published in the Official Journal to authorize the prescription and administration of hydroxychloroquine to patients with severe forms of Covid-19 in the hospital and on their return home. 

In this decree, it is specified that the drug Plaquenil and preparations based on hydroxychloroquine can only be dispensed by pharmacies as part of an initial prescription exclusively from specialists in rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, nephrology, neurology or pediatrics or as part of a refill from any doctor. 

What do the studies show?

Several studies published at the start of the coronavirus epidemic seek to assess the effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine on Covid-19 cases:

• An article published in the journal Cell Research on February 4 demonstrated that these molecules prevent the entry and exit steps of the Sars-CoV-2 virus in cells cultured  in vitro (in a tube), thus effectively stopping its replication and its spread.

• Several Chinese clinical trials have also proven their good tolerance.

• On February 19, the authors of a letter published in Bioscience Trends mentioned an apparent efficacy and an acceptable tolerance of this treatment in view of the data, still unpublished, of 15 clinical studies in 10 hospitals in Wuhan, Jingzhou, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, and Ningbo.

In France, Professor Didier Raoult who supports hydroxychloroquine used this drug in patients with severe forms of the coronavirus. He administered it for the first time on March 16, 2020, to 20 sick patients in his department at the rate of 600 mg of hydroxychloroquine per day associated with azithromycin (antibiotic of the family of macrolides). 

Six days later, the infectious disease specialist indicated that only 25% of them were still carrying the virus, while 90% of those who had not received treatment were still positive. 

"Our investigation shows that treatment with hydroxychloroquine is significantly associated with the reduction / disappearance of viral load in COVID-19 patients "conclusions.


On  April 1, 2020, I published an article entitled - Dr. Raoult Calls On Africans Not To Take Bill Gates’ Covid – 19 Vaccine and later found out that an organization called "nobaschecker, that claim to be independent investigators on health news, denounced the article fake news. My investigation has also revealed that the man is associated with the World Health Organization to suppress information.

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