Saturday, May 16, 2020


President Donald is sincere than many American presidents

President Donald is sincere than many American presidents

I don’t know in general, how Americans evaluate and analyze their presidents’ performance in the office. Even though I am not a political analyst, I have my concrete reasons Americans must not waste their votes on Joe Biden but must consider voting for Trump to complete his full term in office.

What I see about Americans is that they only care about matters of the country and, therefore, evaluate how their leaders solve them. Americans are never interested in what happens outside their country, despite those bad and selfish policies of the US government that have caused misery and suffering to other people in the third world.

Being a true-born African, I take into consideration what Americans don't care about, especially, the sinister and clandestine plans some of the American leaders applied to invade foreign countries either to control their treasures or to kill innocent people. 

As a matter of fact, if there are genuine and effective laws, free from hypocrisy and lies, with no bogus International Criminal Court in the Hague, American leaders, such as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, should have been jailed for crimes they committed in foreign countries.

America preaches about democracy but the country is lawless like that of many African countries, this is one of the reasons they can't find solutions to control their gun problems. 

Bill Clinton

Without wasting much time, let me bring out the points to support my accusations. After the Al Qaeda attack in Kenya, on August 7, 1998, Clinton ordered missile strikes on a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. According to Clinton, the site was being used by Osama bin Laden to manufacture chemical weapons but it wasn’t.

It was just an ordinary pharmaceutical factory. A factory that supplied over 50% of Sudan’s medicine. The authorization of this senseless bombing of the pharmaceutical factory didn’t only expose Clinton as one of the American presidents that don’t want to see progress on the African continent but to kill innocent people as well.

We read much about the Rwanda genocide and the events which escalated the war. On April 6, 1994, a plane carrying Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down and the two were assassinated.

A great massacre began, such as Africa had never seen before. The peasants set fire to households, slit their throats, and crushed their skulls, Rwanda flowed with blood and engulfed in flames. At that time, the country had a population of 2.6 million, including 300.000 Tutsis.

Both the US and the Belgium governments were behind Paul Kagame, the present Rwandan leader, born to a Tutsi family in southern Rwanda, enabling the Hutus killed in the genocide.

Hundreds of articles have been written about Rwanda genocide but enough information has never been provided linking Bill Clinton's administration and Belgium to the genocide. 

About the latter, I read it in a book called 'The Shadow Of The Sun' by a Polish journalist called Ryszard Kapuscinski. 


George W. Bush 

A lie is manifested in three ways, by thought, by word and by life itself. The lie has defeated the truth, thus; it's now seen as a normal thing without shame. This is why I often say: "The truth is not a commodity sold in the shop, yet only a few people can afford it."

Tony Blair and George Bush, the genetic twin-liars

Tony Blair and George Bush, the genetic twin-liars

It is neither an exaggeration nor fabricated stories that those who lie are the ones that receive the honors or awards. The reason you’ll find the images of George W. Bush, honoring former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, because both lied and invaded Iraq, killed the Iraqis and Saddam Hussein, yet no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.

Barack Obama

Morality is Truth. Africa shall overcome but before the African continent will have a sweet taste of real freedom, our leaders must begin to think like adults and stop supporting the crimes of the West and the US government directed against Africans.

Barack Obama is responsible for Ebola which struck the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, simultaneously in 2014. Thereafter the virus appeared more than a dozen times in Congo, prompting the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, and Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, to accuse Bill Gates of testing Ebola in Congo.

Barack Obama decorates Bill Gates for Ebola job well done, both are responsible for Ebola in West Africa and Congo

Barack Obama decorates Bill Gates for Ebola job well done, both are responsible for Ebola in West Africa and Congo

Biological weapons are often tested in Africa to find vaccines to generate profit and Bill Gates is behind this for a very long time. This is one of the reasons he is very close to the World Health Organization, even though he has no qualifications in medicine. 

Before you ask me any question or doubt what I write, please ask yourself why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control owns a patent on a particular strain of Ebola known as "EboBun.?" It's patent No. CA2741523A1 and it was awarded in 2010. 

Donald Trump

Based on these facts, I don't see any reason Americans have to deny Donald Trump the chance to be in office for the second time. 

He is neither responsible for Ebola or coronavirus. His enemies want to use the coronavirus to pull him down but we know that it's pure hypocrisy, which is part of all politics. No American leader could have done better than Trump in this COVID-19 pandemic. Trump deserves a second term.

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