Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Controversy Surrounding The Wearing Of COVID-19 Prevention Mouth Mask

The Controversy Surrounding The Wearing Of COVID-19 Prevention Mouth Mask

Is the wearing of a mouth mask against COVID-19 infection necessary? Photo credit: Media Belgium

To avoid the spread of COVID-19, one of the rules recommended by the World Health Organization is the use of the mask, which covers both the nose and the mouth at the same time. 

However, there are thousands, probably millions worldwide, who are not interested in using these protective masks.

Behind every pandemic come rules and measures of prevention, just to avoid the spread but at times when you think about some of them, you will know that they don’t make sense at all. 

Many have refused to wear the masks because it rather suffocates or the user experiences difficulties in breathing.

When humans breathe, they take in oxygen to the body and breathe out the toxic substances that we have produced. 

This cycle helps both the body and the mind to function properly. Thus; many argue that air expelled from the lungs going into the mask, can accumulate a respiratory disease.

Scientifically, this makes sense but the authorities forcing citizens to wear mask compulsory, are not interested to acknowledge the dangers that face mask poses to the health. 

Instead, they have recommended that after using them they must be washed to get rid of any possible infection. This doesn't sound right to many people.

Also, these are some of the reasons many think the truth behind the coronavirus has been suppressed, believing the face mask is a scam.


Let’s consider this second argument, before the wearing of masks became compulsory in many places and in public transports, they were recommended for people that have symptoms of respiratory disease.

Another medical advice from the World Health Organization is that if you are to assist a person with suspected infection, in the presence of symptoms such as frequent sneezing or persistent cough, you should wear a mask to prevent the risk of infection.

Now the media is over-flooded with false information about the coronavirus that the lack of social distancing and mouth mask is what is causing the spread.

Many disbelieve this theory, the fact that when you are in town or public places, you hardly see people collapsing or the sick asking for medical help. 

We only listen to the news to hear the number of people killed by COVID – 19 in many countries around the world. Why would people take the disease seriously even though COVID - 19 is real?

Even the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump has refused to wear a mouth mask in a country that has been devastated by the coronavirus.

I read recently that masks are of no use for healthy people but for the sick and health personnel, yet some countries have made it compulsory that you will end up paying a fine if you violate the rule. 

This is even more confusing, giving signals that governments are not telling us the truth about the virus.

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