Friday, July 17, 2020

Not All White People Are Racist

A white woman supporting the 'Black Lives Matter' Movement

A white woman supporting the 'Black Lives Matter' Movement

It is not an exaggeration,  Black history is very bitter and at the same time, they are people that have suffered a great deal through slavery, colonization, Apartheid, and deliberate disease infections but the true fact is not every white man or white people are racist.

In Belgium, I have enjoyed the company of many good white people that have nothing to do with the color. They give everyone whether white or black, love, and respect.

In Africa, I used to see written at the rear of some vehicles, 'Travel and See,' these three words mean a lot. I fully understood the concept behind this to know that most people who hate black people are those that never travel.

Yes, it's true, white people that travel a lot are never racists because they have learned a lot through the diversity of culture. Even though many call white people racists, there are also black racists full of hate.

Why do people hate others because of the color of their skin? Why do people hate others because of their religion? There is nothing more satisfying on earth than peace and love.

The two are the most important things in life that everyone needs because they create a good society. If you are a human being and you don't have them, you must cultivate it to live peacefully and happily with your neighbor.

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