Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Satan has the whole world in his hands- Ephesians 2:2, Revelation 12:9, John 14:30, Luke 4:6

Satan has the whole world in his hand- Ephesians 2:2, Revelation 12:9, John 14:30, Luke 4:6


The world is in the hands of Satan, is often used to describe a world plagued by lies, wickedness, deceptions, and clandestine crimes by politicians, affecting millions of people worldwide, with impunity. Who is protecting us today in a world ruled by lies? 

A lie is manifested in three ways, by thought, by word and by life itself. The lie has defeated the truth, thus; it's now seen as a normal thing without shame. This is why I often say: “The truth is not a commodity sold in the shop, yet only a few people can afford it.” 


Why because the truth hurts, it can let you lose your all your friends, job, put you in an awkward situation and generate tons of hate for a person. This is what many want to avoid, therefore, continue to lie like children till they die.

“I swear that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” We often hear this at the court but yet the one swearing knows he is lying. At the end of it all, the innocent person becomes guilty, and the liar triumphs.


Some lawyers take bribe and judge cases against the innocent. Some people commit crimes, murder, violence and they feel comfortable, enjoying with impunity. How do we expect the world to be?


The main illnesses of our time, rapidly destroying this world are lies, nepotism, tribalism, violence, crime, murder, hypocrisy, greed, and corruption. In fact, those who know about crimes and wouldn’t like to speak about them are even more dangerous than the perpetrators.


From every angle, psychologically, lying is a bad habit, a consequence of a bad character, and upbringing, but the system of things at the moment doesn’t favor someone who speaks the truth. 


Your truth will not give you a treasure or award, in fact, the award goes to the scientist who created the biological weapons Aids and Ebola, not the one who wants everyone to know that Aids and Ebola are biological weapons to depopulate Africa.


This is neither an exaggeration nor a fabricated story. Those who lie are the ones that receive the honors. The reason you’ll find the images of George W. Bush, honoring former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, because both lied and invaded Iraq, killed the Iraqis and Sadam Hussein, yet nobody found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.


Tony Blair and George Bush: The genetic liars didn't find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

Tony Blair and George Bush: The genetic liars didn't find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

Again, don’t be surprised to see the images of Barack Obama, honoring Bill Gates, for a job well done because both played a significant role in the Ebola epidemic in Africa. This is how the world goes because evil gives satisfaction to the truth.


However, in this life, you can’t mock God, just because you don’t believe in His existence, does not give you the power to do whatever you like. Your power is limited but the unseen spiritual God, who is slow to anger power has no limit.


He strikes, the day He likes and the evildoers give those names as a natural disaster, Hurricane Andrew, Tsunami, and climatic change. Whatever name the evil politicians call it they shouldn't forget that once they continue abusing the earth, definitely, they will reap what they have sown.


We live in a world that people's kindness and respect are taken as stupidity. If you are kind, honest and sentimental, then you are simply a small fish ready to be eaten by the big fish. Your truth will not give you an award, yet don’t let that prevent you from speaking the truth.


We are already reaping the bitter fruits of a similar approach to life, the ailments of society, the inability to hear and understand others, disunity, and bitterness. It is no coincidence that the second name of the devil is the Liar. 


This is the original cause of the dark energy which has possessed a man to be delighted in lies, greed, and wickedness than the truth.


Lying outwardly creates a lie to itself, a person ceases to denounce himself, to confess to himself honestly in his deed. This leads to a false confession and, consequently, to depression. 


Barack Obama decorates Bill Gates for Ebola job well done, Obama responsible for Ebola in West Africa and Gates in Congo

Barack Obama decorates Bill Gates for Ebola job well done, Obama is responsible for Ebola in West Africa and Gates in Congo

Morality is Truth. Africa shall overcome but before the African continent will have a sweet taste of real freedom, our leaders must begin to think like adults and stop supporting the crimes of the West and the US government directed against Africans.


They can't progress in any way by keeping such crimes secret, while they depend on African votes in every election. If they have ears they must listen carefully and if they have eyes they must open it widely. 


Common Africans are suffering, therefore, every deception and corruption by an African leader piles up curses on their own heads. 

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