Friday, July 10, 2020

This Coronavirus Epidemic Is For Global Depopulation

Trump and Jinping are holding the true source of the coronavirus pandemic from the suffering world

Trump and Jinping are holding the true source of the coronavirus pandemic from the suffering world

In the month of December 2018, Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder predicted that a new disease could kill 30 million people in six months. His foundation posted a simulation showing an epidemic spreading from China, which is currently facing a grave situation to handle the accelerating speed of the deadly coronavirus.

Since then, the epidemic has affected 12,442,037 across the world, claiming the lives of over 558,544 people. When the pandemic occurred, according to the Chinese government, it's from the 'Animal market in Wuhan' but scientists have proved otherwise.

However, the true origin of this deadly virus remains secret and no government is interested in telling the suffering population, the patients, and the families of the dead the truth about the origin of the coronavirus or COVID - 19. So what's next? Is this pandemic not to depopulate the world? 

What is global depopulation

Global-depopulation is just two English words in the dictionary. Even though for decades, the US government has been secretly carrying out global depopulation programs at its Pentagon secret biological laboratories, it's still an abomination to talk about global depopulation. The act is to reduce the population on earth.

Why global depopulation?

Eugenics, scientists, and brain-twisted rich people consider the daily rapid increase of the world's population as a threat to the earth and its environment, blaming it as the source of climatic change, global warming, and natural disasters.

Since it's a crime for any advanced or super-power country, such as Russia, China, the United States of America, etc, to openly talk about global depopulation, it's done clandestinely.

Methods governments used to reduce the population

Playing God, the eugenics department of the World Health Organization, and Centers for Disease Control, in collaboration with the US government, depopulate the world, especially, third world countries that birth control is rare, through contaminated vaccines.

What does it mean by contaminated vaccines? These are vaccines or drugs which instead of curing diseases, aggravate the condition of the patient. For example, the US government's vaccines or drug to support HIV-Aids patients in third world countries were contaminated giving rise to tuberculosis infection. 

This is one of the reasons most HIV-Aids patients in Pakistan, India, and African countries had tuberculosis at the same time. Facts about this medical crime were obtained from the Dutch scientist, Johan van Dongen, and Dr. Wolff Geisler when I visited them in Holland and Germany.

Another way, the US government has been reducing population growth in the third world countries, is contaminating vaccines and drugs, to make women infertile to prevent giving birth. At least 500,000 young girls and women were infertile in Kenya, following a tetanus vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015.

Left, Bill Gates, Middle, Dr. Francis Collins, and right, Dr. Anthony Fauci. It speaks a lot to see these people together during this pandemic.

Left, Bill Gates, Middle, Dr. Francis Collins, and right, Dr. Anthony Fauci. It speaks a lot to see these people together during this pandemic.

This is what advanced countries used to do in third world countries to reduce the population, but today, our generation has experienced the global impact of the coronavirus, which is also a biological weapon to kill us and reduce the population. 

This is the dangerous world we are living in and I am not writing this article or giving out secret information to receive an award, I am rather expecting the number of those who hate me to increase. I am used to it, therefore, I feel happy about it.

1 comment:

  1. All of us are aware of the fact that the independent
