Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Why Africa Must Continue Supporting China After The Coronavirus

African leaders under a new colonial master, Xi Jinping

African leaders under a new colonial master, Xi Jinping

Many countries worldwide, are not in good relations with China, following the coronavirus pandemic, which origin reveals from Wuhan, China. However, there is no need for any anger or governments ruining their relationship with China because when we talk about horrible political and medical crimes against humanity, the United States government leads. 

China's is once again in the media, accused of violating Human Rights in Hong Kong, I don't have any significant document revealing the crimes the Chinese government against humanity in Africa but I can cover a whole dining-table top with documents about the US government's crimes in Africa.

After visiting the Dutch scientist and micro-surgeon, Johan van Dongen in Holland, then later, the German medical doctor, Wolff Geisler, I had the opportunity to have certain documents about medical crimes committed by health institutions and foreign governments in Africa. 

Surprisingly, there isn't any evidence among the documents that the Chinese government had ever committed any medical crime in Africa. We can't dispute the fact that the Chinese are very aggressive people, violating international laws, either fishing illegally, involved in illegal gold mining, or lumbering.

You will know how pure evil the United States government is despite the continuous preaching of Democracy. You know will how criminal the United States government is if you get the chance to read documents of how together with the World Health Organization, and some Western European countries, deliberately infected diseases on the African population.

God should have mercy on us, in my life, I have never seen any country that has committed so much crime against humanity, yet have delight in whatever it does. They preach virtue and practice vice. If the US government hates you,  the government will never give you a breathing space.

Through vaccines, drugs, water, and food, the US government has inflicted diseases on the innocent population in Latin-America and Africa. They tried several times to kill Fidel Castro of Cuba but the man survived every assassination attempt. 

Most of the medical crimes and the destabilization of African economies began before and after independence swept through Africa. 

In collaboration with some European countries, such as Holland, Belgium, the US government with the World Health Organization decimated Africa with man-made diseases such as HIV-Aids, Kaposi's sarcoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, nodding disease and Ebola.

When the US president, Donald Trump, threatened to cancel the financial aid to the World Health Organization, many taught he is crazy but the fact is Trump is not crazy, he only took that decision because he is aware of the criminal activities of WHO in Africa but since the chicken always come home to roost, he is mad over how the WHO handle the corona crisis in America.

The continuous medical crimes and the deliberate destabilization of third world countries' economies, affect other countries too, such as China and North Korea, thus; for a very long time, North Korea and China have been planning to teach the US government a lesson.

After the confrontation with North Korea, which nearly led to the third world war, the US government quickly negotiated for peace because Trump realized that short stubborn, Kim Jong Un, is an extremely dangerous man and above all, he is not an African leader.

However, he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. China has overthrown the US government, as the leading superpower country, with an invincible biological weapon called the Coronavirus or COVID - 19. 

This is a warning to the US government and if they are stupid, they should try to seek revenge and see what happens next.

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