Thursday, July 16, 2020


All the predecessors of Trump, Obama, Clinton, and Bush committed crimes against humanity during their tenure, what makes them special from Trump?

American political opponents and the media houses, including CNN, want the world to believe that Donald Trump is the worst American president in the political history of the United States of America. This cheap 'philosophy' can only be accepted by those with mediocre minds.

As an African writer, I have a different opinion. From the time independence swept through the continent of Africa, no American leader had the interest to help Africa grow. Each American leader follows the policies of the constitution to oppress Africa, destabilizing the continent's economy and creating difficulties for the common people.

Before the American media will accuse Trump of racism or inefficient leader of not able to handle the coronavirus pandemic, I want to ask them before the coronavirus, there had been other pandemics such as HIV-Aids and Ebola, why the media failed to criticize Obama or other presidents for poorly handling the HIV-Aids and Ebola in Africa?

What Americans leaders can't stand is exactly what they do to others. All over the world, including Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Libya, Rwanda, Congo, etc, are indelible carnage. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, all committed crimes against humanity when they were in office.

Bill Clinton is partly responsible for the Rwanda genocide, while George W. Bush invaded Iraq and killed the citizens, including women and children, without any evidence that Saddam Hussein had any weapons for mass destruction.

The media and politicians full of hate are only using the brutal murder of George Floyd as a weapon to discredit the administration of Trump, hoping that can be a catalyst to let Trump's dream of the second term in office to be illusional.

"You are now accusing Trump of racism, calling him racist, My question is before the death of George Floyd, what did the predecessors of Trump, including George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama do about the institutionalized racism in the country?"- Joel Savage

Despite the media claiming they have qualified health journalists, which among them has been bold enough to investigate how HIV-Aids, Burkitt's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, nodding disease and Ebola appeared in Africa, after slavery, colonial brutalities and Apartheid?

Before Donald Trump became president, previous American presidents, together with the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, have deliberately inflicted cancerous diseases on African populations through vaccination and food but we didn't hear from any media reporting about those medical crimes.

But today that China has opened the hell gates of biological weapon coronavirus on the world's population, taking its drastic toll on the United States of America, political opponents, the media, and anti-Trump forces have risen against him with cheap accusations.

In 2014, when the US government under Barack Obama triggered Ebola biological weapons in three West African countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, murdering thousands of people, angry Americans shut down all entries to the country, including airports. 

They were angry with Obama not because of the deliberate killings of innocent people in West Africa but the fear that the Ebola virus will find its way into America. However, what people don't often think about is what one fears most is exactly what happens to him. 

The Pentagon for decades had been operating secret biological weapon programs and often using it on populations, especially in the third world countries but today, they are reaping the evil they have sown at the hands of China. It's unfortunate that always it the innocent people that suffer.

I used to think that politics in advanced countries is clean until I realize that the dirty game is full of lies, hypocrisy, and hate everywhere in both developed and developing countries. Without truth and honesty, nobody should ever dream of a better world. We are not yet free from an unseen doom. 

"Many more we have have to suffer, many more we have to die, don't ask me why?" - Bob Marley

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