Monday, August 17, 2020

Inhuman Political Strategies And Enslavement On Voiceless Continent Africa


Africans don't need lessons for survival. The bushmen in Mozambique and Botswana will teach Bear Gray how to survive in hot temperatures without food and water for several days.

Africans don't need lessons for survival. The bushmen in Mozambique and Botswana will teach Bear Gray how to survive in hot temperatures without food and water for several days.

It is passed but remains an era that can’t be forgotten, as well as wounds that can't heal. In different historical periods, under different regimes, Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Algeria, Congo, Mozambique, and Angola, are some of the African countries that flowed with a long trail of blood.


In an inconvenient truth, which can’t be erased, European colonialists, Belgium, Spain, Holland, Portugal, as well as, Great Britain, and Germany, currently fighting against the coronavirus to protect their citizens, once were terrorists that pillaged countries, subjected Africans under subhuman conditions, and plundered the continent’s natural wealth.


This ruthless colonialism force, with an iron fist, erased, buried in oblivion, massacred civilians and set the cities and villages on fire. Without sympathy, they displaced the populations and promoted ethnic cleansing, sending thousands, including women and children into their untimely grave.


If the African continent has a voice, with effective and competent leaders or if foreign governments do really care about Africa, they would have carried out research and document all the crimes and atrocities, including the opening of pregnant women’s belly, impaled fetus, the rape, torture of indigenous young people, and the carrying around victims' heads as trophies.


King Leopold II, killed over ten million Africans and later glorified with statues and streets named after him throughout Belgium. The Belgian government and the royal family think he deserves it because his looting and crimes have made Belgium rich today.


These inhuman acts against humanity have all passed unnoticed and unpunished because those who made the law are the breakers of the law themselves and at the same time, why should any foreign country get punished if crimes are committed against black people?


That’s the nature of a world that elites never go to jail for the crimes they commit against the underprivileged and poor people. That's the nature of a world without the truth and a world you'll lose all your friends because of the truth. That's the nature of a world you will be oppressed and cast out from society because of truth.


The colonial masters and the US government destroyed everything in Africa, without achieving anything significant for the continent. Even after giving Africa financial assistance, they derived plans to take resources which worth more than the financial assistance they give, since they control the world trade and tell Africans what they want to pay.

Medical tragedies

The medical world is dangerous and corrupt. Politicians and health professionals collaborate to commit medical crimes against others because their goal is to generate profit, conquer, subdue and control the weak and the vulnerable which appear mostly to be people in the Third World Countries.

But do we have to call victims of suppression weak? "Not at all, they are strong people, because they are strong, the so-called 'Super-power,' fears their presence and do everything physically and medically to subdue them.

There are reasons it has been the task to America and Western Europe to subdue Africa and keep it under their control. To have power over Africa's rich mineral resources and a suitable way to achieve this goal is to use slavery, Apartheid, colonization, and medical crimes.

This fact is confirmed after the independence of the Congo. The desperate and disappointed Belgium government and the greedy royal family, not knowing how the future of Belgium could be, collaborated with the CIA, and the newly elected Prime Minister of Congo, Patrice Lumumba, was murdered in cold blood.

HIV, the virus causing Aids, is said to be transferred in semen, blood and originated from Africa. If this claim is true: Why has HIV not depopulated Africa at an earlier stage? Why has it not spread earlier to the colonizer countries of Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Portugal? 

All biological weapons and the deliberate spread of diseases in Africa is an act of revenge against Africa because Western Europe has lost Africa after independence swept through the continent. Zimbabwe was the last country to get its independence in 1980 and after it was discovered that thousands of the population had HIV/AIDS.

It's a shame for a particular continent to suffer at the hands of people who have no regrets, conscience, integrity, and actually feel proud of the crimes they have committed on the continent of Africa. 

How do Africans live and how do they survive every kind of tragedy? That should be the ultimate questions by Europe and America to give Africans the respect they deserve. 

What Africans have experienced and survived, have made them the toughest creatures on earth. National Geography shows documentary films showing how to survive without water or when lost in the desert. 

Africans don't need lessons for survival. The bushmen in Mozambique and Botswana will teach Bear Gray how to survive in hot temperatures without food and water for several days. 

The Bushmen of the Kalahari desert who could survive hard life in rough environments are the pride of Africa when it comes to real survival, not the fake ones showed on national television.

Hurting Africa, one must say that they tried to create an impression that everything is normal because everyone was doing it but that's not true. Apart from America, the European countries that committed both physical and medical crime in Africa are Britain, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium, it is not the whole Europe.

The expert-scientists maintain that enslavement was inner-African common practice. But enslavement was enhanced by European guns to kill and the use of bioweapons from Europe to weaken and change the mind of victims.


The widely claimed inner-African slave trade is a racist myth. Accurate data are claimed to be hardly obtainable. There are none. 

Ninety percent of the captives perished on transports in Africa. Dr. Livingston guessed that at least nine of ten people died before taken from the coast of Africa as a slave. 


This is supposed to have been the result of tribal feuds and headship practices customary in Africa. Africans, allegedly, sold Africans or other Africans who had enslaved themselves. 


Certainly, not indigenous rulers or traders were able or have the power to hold such murders and abductions at that brutal rate. If this had been the case, Africa would have been depopulated before the European-North American attacks.


Supposedly, the 30 million survivors let themselves voluntarily to be sold by their African rulers into slavery. Slave traders and slavery allegedly had been gang and gift in Africa. 


A supply of enslaved persons would be transported from the interior of Africa to the coast of Africa through African slave traders. And this surplus-offer had allegedly sought to be taken over through European handlers. But every sixth slave ship was destroyed by people living on the coast. 


For the men-hunting from East Africa, in children's books and scientific articles, the black evildoers were replaced by Arabs or Arabomuslimic slave hunters.


Allegedly they had taken since 652 AD, 17 million slaves for slavery in Islamic countries. The men from non-Muslim specialists in Abyssinia and Upper Egypt were allegedly castrated. 


Children of enslaved African women and Arabian slaves holders would have been killed. That should be the reason that rather few dark-skinned people are living in the former Arab slavery states.


The chief editor of "Charlie Hebdo" Stephane Charbonnier accused the Muslim Arabs as the creators of slavery. He denied “that the Jews had started the slave trade; everyone knows that it was the Muslim Arabs.” The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung paid tribute to this assertion.

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