Saturday, August 08, 2020

Malaria Was The Only Disease In Africa, So Where Did HIV-Aids And Ebola Come From?


All the diseases after malaria in Africa were man-made diseases

All the diseases after malaria in Africa were man-made diseases

The coronavirus that has hit the whole world since last year December will definitely bring to the understanding of the world about how Africans have suffered the ferocious impact of biological weapons and how they have survived it.


The media that support the crimes of the US government, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, have made everyone believes that because Africa is a developing continent, with poverty, miraculously diseases break at any time.


That's not true because before the vaccines for malaria, there were no diseases such as HIV-Aids, Ebola, nodding disease, Tuberculosis, Burkitt's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma in Africa. So where did all these diseases come from?


I used to ask this question without any answer until I visited the Dutch scientist and micro-surgeon, Johan van Dongen and the German medical doctor, Wolff Geisler. Both don't know each other but have accurate research about the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and the US government's crimes in Africa


It's sheer wicked for false or murderous scientists to describe or call nodding disease 'Strange disease,' when in fact it's a biological weapon by the US government. Africa doesn't deserve this. Such cruelty shouldn't be a strategy to control the continent's resources or to reduce the population.


China indeed has let the US government pay for all its crimes in the third world, unfortunately, the coronavirus has killed innocent people, including my brothers and sisters in America.


The devastation of the coronavirus in America will let the US government think deeply over its biological programs in the Pentagon. Black people are not weapons of mass destruction.

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