Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Disappearance Of The Truth In Politics And Medical Science

The world has to pay for the lies and deceptions in the fields of politics and medical science today

The world has to pay for the lies and deceptions in the fields of politics and medical science today

The establishing of peace, security, and the protection of people depend on politics, while medical science which encompasses treatment is very important for health. Unfortunately, both two subjects have deviated from the path of truth to lies and deceptions.

"The truth is not a commodity sold in the shop but only a few people can afford it." In today's world, the truth doesn't matter any longer in anything, including politics, science, and health matters. Simple truth, they say but is the truth really simple?

The Bible says, "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it." The same violent people are fighting against the truth to establish lies and violence in our societies.

Throughout the period of the Old Testament to the New Testament, all the good people, including Jesus Christ, that chose the path of the truth, suffered dearly for it because the truth is like an arrow that pierces through the flesh of evildoers.

The truth burns so hot like acid, so many are afraid of it. The truth doesn't give an award, it will rather make you a public enemy number one. The truth will let you lose all your good friends you thought they love you and the truth may likely push you to commit suicide.

Once the Dutch microsurgeon and former professor at the University of Maastricht, Johan van Dongen, whose books about Aids and Ebola exposed the US government's biological weapons programs, told me that: 

"He and Ab Osterhaus, one of Dutch famous virologists, were very close, yet when he was making comments about his books, he said, "About Aids and Ebola biological weapons, he (Osterhaus) doesn't know what Dongen is talking about."

That is life and that is how your own close friends can stab you at the back if you choose to speak the truth. 

Why this article by the way? This is to inspire everyone who has suffered for speaking the truth to continue to suffer for it instead of giving up because there is always an invincible doom awaiting those that have poisoned this world, leading innocent people to their untimely death.

People are no longer interested in the truth because they don't want to lose their jobs, friends, or become subjects of hate. But what they often forget when the catastrophe strikes both the liars and the truthful people suffer at the same time and very often the liars are those that find it too tough to handle.

Politicians have followed their evil desires and policies to kill innocent people in the United States of America and around the globe, with the coronavirus, yet this is what they don't want to hear. 

Joe Biden claims that the light is stronger than the dark, yet, for decades, he has fought the truth to coverup the US government's Aids and Ebola biological weapon crimes in Africa. Hypocrite!

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

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