Sunday, August 30, 2020

What The Third World Countries Need To Know About Bill Gates

Bill Gates, the man with both the good and evil heart

Bill Gates, the man with both the good and evil heart

If you are very rich, your money commands or tells you what to do whether right or wrong. Therefore, Bill Gates listens to what his money tells him to do and most of the requests are medical crimes that take place in third world countries. That is his desire to reduce the world's population.

The serious medical cases, accusations, and crimes against Bill Gates, by independent scientists, world leaders, and medical writers, are not subjects of interest to the US government, the corrupt World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control. 

Why? Because the majority of medical crimes of Bill Gates take place in poor countries around the globe and it's not even an exaggeration to see true articles about Bill Gates clandestine activities in third world countries, that have been declared fake.

For example, the article, Dr. Raoult Calls On Africans Not To Take Bill Gates’ Covid – 19 Vaccine, wasn't only declared fake by the false media and journalists, it was also declared fake by the Executive-Director of the World Health Organization, Dr. Michael Ryan.


It's even more shocking and disturbing to notice that articles based on the evidence of medical crimes by Bill Gates in Africa, including Ebola, on my blog, links have either been successfully removed or deliberately directed to 404 errors. 

The same thing applies to articles exposing the crimes of the Belgian government and the royal family in Africa. The Html codes of my blog template were tampered with and codes changed to render the articles not found on my blog. 

This is not only a violation of rules but a crime because if a blog belongs to a search engine company doesn't give the company the right to change any article on someone's blog, let alone direct it to 404 errors. 

However, just as I do say always, evildoers receive their punishment at the right time. While all these crimes are taking place, those responsible and those they are helping feel comfortable about it but the true fact is whatever goes around comes around.  

What is going on behind my blog, gives ample evidence that it's not only the media or the US government supporting the crimes of Bill Gates but also search engines making enough money from the false 'Messiah' known as Bill Gates.

Gate has created the impression that he wants to save poor countries from diseases but the vaccines he takes to poor countries are heavily contaminated which have side effects. They either reduce the birth rate or give birth to new diseases.

Gates also uses Africa's easy penetration because of its porous borders and corruption, to use the Africans as guinea pigs in experimenting with new drugs manufactured in the United States of America. 

African leaders are so weak that among all the continents, Africa is the only one that has suffered and still suffering.

We Africans want an answer from Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the US government, that Malaria Was The Only Disease In Africa, So Where Did HIV-Aids And Ebola Come From?

While the American and the Western media keep protecting Bill Gates and supporting his medical crimes, Africans must be wise to deny this man entry into the continent because he is not coming to do anything better there than to find people he can bribe to carry out his clandestine depopulation programs.

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