Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why Clinton, Obama, Bush And Gates Deserve Prison, Not Trump


Why Clinton, Obama, Bush And Gates Deserve Prison, Not Trump

Donald Trump hasn't committed any serious crime as the president of the United States of America, more than Obama, Clinton, Bush, and Gates

This morning, I stumbled upon an article captioned ‘Yates spars with GOP at testy hearing,’ in ‘THE HILL’ an online news media. The article is about investigations over Trump’s relation with Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.


Considered as a crime, ‘THE HILL,’ has now created a poll, requesting a response, if “Should Donald Trump Be In Prison?"

Donald Trump doesn't deserve to go to prison because he hasn't committed any crime

Donald Trump doesn't deserve to go to prison because he hasn't committed any crime

Frankly speaking, I wasn’t surprised to read such an article at all because politics in America is not only a dirty game as people know but also full of hate, lies, deceptions, and hypocrisy.


What is the biggest error or sin that Donald Trump has committed to be going to prison when American leaders such as George Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama that committed serious crimes against humanity, are enjoying their freedom with impunity today?

I have said it before and I don't think this will be the last time. America is a country that citizens care much about political issues and crimes taking place in the country but not outside America. 

As an African writer that also cares about political issues and crimes committed by the US presidents in Africa, I will be the first person to bring out the crimes of what each of the people in the above photo did, therefore the need for them to be in prison is necessary.

I am still in contact with my best friends, the Dutch scientist, Johan van Dongen, despite sick for a while now and the German, Dr. Wolff Geisler. To the best of my knowledge, I don't have any documents from them relating to crimes by Donald Trump.

George Bush

But I have documents about Bush, his lies and deception by convincing the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which wasn't true. He falsely invaded Iraq with former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair to kill the Iraqis, including women and children.

That wasn't the only crime committed by George Bush. During the first three weeks of the 2003 Iraq conflict, the U.S. military committed egregious war crimes using radioactive weapons. 

The US and British governments used radioactive weapons on the Iraqis leading to deformity of babies in the country

The US and British governments used radioactive weapons on the Iraqis leading to deformity of babies in the country

Even though the Pentagon pledged to never use this technology again, the military command went ahead anyway in the 2003 Iraq conflict, deploying missiles loaded with depleted uranium (DU).

Bill Clinton

Africa is a continent which has experienced much political unrest, ethnic violence, and war, as a means of achieving goals, yet only a few are aware that foreign powers or external forces are often behind or do instigate political violence in Africa.


Hundreds of articles have been written about Rwanda genocide but enough information hasn't been provided linking Bill Clinton's administration and Belgium to the genocide. About the latter, I read it in the book called 'The Shadow Of The Sun' by a Polish journalist called Ryszard Kapuscinski.


Barack Obama

Barack Obama is an unfortunate president of the United States of America, not because of his color or a black man. As the president of America, whether black or white, he has to follow the American constitution.

He, therefore, callously triggered the biological weapons of Ebola simultaneously in the West African countries of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone and together with the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, they lied that bats are responsible for the spread of Ebola in Africa.

Meanwhile, the same hemorrhagic fever named Ebola because it first occurred on the banks of River Ebola in Congo, in 1976, had also appeared simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967.

Bill Gates


Bill Gates, the man I will describe as 'a wolf in a sheep clothing,' has the whole world in his hand and determines who must live and die. With his millions, Gates preys on poor countries in the world, especially in Africa, under the assumption that he is curing diseases on the continent.

What Gates actually does with the World Health Organization is controlling the population of the world. New contaminated drugs manufactured in the United States of America are not used by Americans. He uses Africans as guinea pigs in experimenting with drugs and vaccines.

Some of these drugs and vaccines' reactions are fatal because they give birth to new diseases for new vaccines to be manufactured for maximum profits, while some of the vaccines render young women infertile to have children.

Apart from the documents I have about Bill Gates clandestine crimes in Africa, the leaders of North Korea and Russia, Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin, also accused Bill Gates of testing and spreading Ebola in Africa.


Unless you are a heartless man, someone without conscience and integrity can admit that Trump deserves to go to prison after reading this article. 

Verily verily, I say unto Americans, Democrats, and Republicans that without putting an end to your lies, crimes, biological weapons, deceptions, and the hypocrisy in politics, there will be no room for the coronavirus to subside in the United States of America.

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