Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Why World Leaders Are Partly Responsible For The Coronavirus

World leaders are responsible for the coronavirus because they supported the biological weapon crimes of the US government

World leaders are responsible for the coronavirus because they supported the biological weapon crimes of the US government

Whenever there is a problem, the right decision is to find a quick solution to tackle it. That is better than pointing fingers at or accusing others as perpetrators. However, I will still blame both world leaders of developed and developing countries, for this coronavirus pandemic today.

You see, crime doesn't pay, it destroys the entire society and affects people. World leaders, especially from the developed world, in the past and present, continue to remain silent over crimes committed against humanity because biological weapon crimes often take place in the third world.

The whole world is suffering from the attack of the merciless coronavirus today, another biological weapon named COVID-19 but can world leaders accept the fact that if they have acted appropriately in the past, this pandemic could have been prevented?

HIV-Aids was a man-made disease meant to destroy Africa after independence swept through the continent before it gradually spread throughout the whole world. Even though the US government was responsible, no country in the world queried or warned the US government about this horrible crime against humanity.

Not even the International Criminal Court of Justice- ICC, known for putting African leaders that commit crimes against humanity behind bars, stepped in to question America.

The world tried their best to control the rapid spread of the HIV-Aids virus, which has already decimated Africa. Within the spread of the virus, more crimes were committed in Africa, by the US government, as vaccines to treat Aids patients on the African continent, were contaminated giving rise to tuberculosis in Aids patients at the same time.

Still, no world leader in the advanced world showed any remorse or sympathy to Africa about the way the disease has destroyed Africa. 

Just like the HIV-Aids, Ebola was also a biological weapon but world leaders remained quiet, supporting the crimes and false claims of the US, Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization, that bats and bushmeat are responsible for the spread of Ebola in Africa.

Meanwhile, the same hemorrhagic fever which first exploded in Congo in 1976, had already appeared simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967. Because of the truth, many not interested in what we write but we shall all suffer together.

The fact that the developed world failed each time to expose the US government of triggering biological weapons on innocent populations, which of course, affects China too because they do business with African leaders, has led to the coronavirus pandemic.

The important question here is, "if the US government, has lied about the true origin of HIV-Aids and Ebola, would the Chinese government tell the world that the coronavirus is a biological weapon?" That can't happen.

In this world, what one sows, the same he shall reap. In my life, since I was born, I have never heard of anyone that planted tomatoes and harvested apples. Whatever goes around comes around.

Advanced countries have supported the US government, the corrupt World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control to kill innocent victims in third world countries with biological weapons. 

It's time for them to know how suffering and deaths are associated with the Chinses virus Corona.

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