Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Fashion And Jokes The Coronavirus Came Along With

A man in yellow protective fashion against the coronavirus in Kenya - Photo: Reuters

A man in yellow protective fashion against the coronavirus in Kenya - Photo: Reuters

The COVID 19 is a deadly virus that can't be underestimated but along the line, many have taken it very easy in life with crazy fashions and unexpected events, as if the virus never exists. Frankly speaking, many think the death related to the pandemic is a hoax, making it look real by the media.

There was a time many thought that the coronavirus doesn't exist, the fact that hardly you will see someone either sick or collapsing in the city, town, or anywhere but only on the news and television, you hear of the announcements of the number of deaths.

Some people start making fun of the disease with whatever they find it amusing, while a number of funny videos were uploaded on 'Youtube.' It may be likely that since many from the initial stages didn't respect the coronavirus, led to the high rate of infections today.

But the fact is the coronavirus is real and before people will acknowledge this to protect themselves or strictly observe the rules to prevent the spread of the disease, COVID 19 will not only kill thousands of more people but also ruin the economy of many countries beyond remedy.

The coronavirus fashion is a new craze in many countries throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. Some of the mouth masks are used as bikini, while some females used them as breast protectives. While all these jokes are taking place, the virus which doesn't discriminate is on a deadly spree.

A funny mouth mask

A funny mouth mask

Well, probably making these jokes and fashion from the masks are some of the ways to prevent worries or psychological torture from taking over our lives, however, people need to be serious as well because the jokes are misleading people to adequately protect themselves.

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