International Criminal Court has failed the world and needs to close down
their offices is necessary
The International Criminal Court - ICC, in The Hague, Holland, was established under an international treaty in Rome, in 1998, to provide justice for genocide and crimes against humanity, when national governments fail, however, this article will prove that the ICC hasn’t only failed Africa but the entire world.
As a matter of fact, it's very hard to comprehend with ICC, when it comes to crimes against humanity. It could be possible that the International Criminal Court, is actually one of the criminal organizations in the world, established to protect foreign governments that commit crimes against humanity, especially in Africa or developing countries.
The World Health Organization, defines ‘a pandemic’ as an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people but the reality is the pandemics that have hit the world in the past and today are not natural but man-made.
Considering the fact that most of the pandemics that have devasted the world, including, HIV-Aids, Lassa fever, Ebola, Coronavirus, etc, were deliberately done or artificially created in the laboratory, it's time to ask the International Criminal Court, firstly, what do they mean by crime or genocide against humanity?
And secondly, on what sort of crimes do they base their investigations on to consider bringing anyone that has committed a crime against humanity to face the law in the Hague, The Netherlands?
It seems the International Criminal Court was created with the sole idea of bringing leaders that commit crime or genocide against humanity in developing countries to face trial in The Hague. If that was the ICC's initial conception, then the International Criminal Court has failed because the developed countries have committed so much crime against humanity with impunity than the developing countries.
If the ICC judges say they are educated and capable of doing investigations before accusing any developing country leader of committing a crime against humanity, then they must investigate how HIV-Aids, Lassa fever, nodding diseases, Burkitt's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, tuberculosis, and Ebola, appeared in Africa, and also investigate if the coronavirus that has devastated the world today and killed thousands is a natural pandemic or man-made disease against humanity.
Ebola first appeared in Congo in 1976, then in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in 2014, while the disease repeated itself multiple times in Congo. Like HIV-Aids, Lassa fever, nodding disease, etc, Ebola is a biological weapon created from the laboratory of the United States of America.
But since the truth is never given the chance in whatever people do today, including politics, the false media, including BBC and CNN, continue to support the US government, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control that primates or bats are responsible for those deliberate man-made diseases.
The important questions are how long can these lies go on and why the International Criminal Court for decades, has been silent over these medical crimes against humanity, yet fighting tirelessly to be recognized as an international body that wants to create a 'perfect' world for everyone?
The International Criminal Court must note that before Ebola first appeared in Congo in 1976, then hit the West African countries of Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Republic of Guinea, in 2014, the same Ebola outbreaks occurred simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967.
This evidence is enough if the ICC claims to be intelligent judges, to know that the hemorrhagic fever - Ebola, is a biological weapon against humanity, so those responsible must face the law like everyone in the Netherlands but the incompetent and partial ICC allowed the US government to enjoy impunity after committing such heinous crimes against humanity.
Due to all these errors by developed countries leaders and the International Criminal Court, today, we facing another genocide against humanity by COVID 19, which originates from Wuhan, China. The impact of the deadly virus has affected the whole world, affecting 45,347,700 and claiming the lives of over 1,186,393 people.
The appointment of Fatou Bensouda, the criminal law prosecutor and legal adviser in The Hague, was a deception
How long can the International Criminal Court in The Hague pretend they are running a legal system, protecting, guarantees a reliable safe haven for Africans, yet hypocritically, they protect super-powers that commit crimes in Africa or to other vulnerable countries?
It is very likely that African leaders know about the organization's support and protection of the US government after triggering Ebola on poor innocent African citizens and since they find it very hard to speak against the US government, some African countries decided to pull out from the ICC.
The coronavirus will not be the last crime against humanity to decimate the world or, more will come in the future since many countries want to become superpowers to stand shoulder to shoulder with the United States government but frankly speaking, the world is sick and tired of such horrible events that impacts are taking its toll on our children's physical and psychological health.
The International Criminal Court has failed and disappointed the world. They have proved beyond doubt they are incompetent and their actions have led the whole world to the slaughterhouse to be slaughtered by COVID 19. With their existence not serving any significant purpose in this world, it's time for the ICC to shut down its offices for good.
Why don't you file your own cases with them, both courts, as I have, but send them also to the Heads of State of UK, Belgium, and Netherlands, since the Hague is in the Netherlands, and the two registrars are fro UK and Belgium.
ReplyDeleteI agree to the extent that the higher court should take on and take more seriously cases regarding large scale genocide, the sort we have seen with William Henry Gates III and Donald Rumsfeld.
see also
The above is my article. From Stephen Fox, Founder United Nations Santa Fe (New Mexico)