Sunday, November 08, 2020

Exit The Tiger Trump, Enter The Dragon Biden, As The Next US President

Trump embraces the sad end of his second-term presidential ambitions as Biden wins the presidential race

Trump embraces the sad end of his second-term presidential ambitions as Biden wins the presidential race 

Worldwide, many world leaders, Americans, and non-Americans were disappointed after Trump lost his second term bid to be in office as the President, while others too are jubilating for America witnessing Biden, becoming the new president.

However, as an African writer, with a different perception of how each American president, including Obama, committed many crimes against humanity in Africa, I don't care who becomes the president of the United States of America. As a matter of fact, Biden will also not be good for Africa. Time will tell.

Decades after slavery, African-Americans still treated like garbage, danced through the principal streets of America, jubilating because the first African-American, Barack Obama, has been declared the president of the United States of America. 

Like the Israelites under bondage in Egypt, they thought Barack Obama will deliver them from hardships. What did we see during the administration of President Barack Obama and his Vice-President Joe Biden? 

Racism increased significantly and African-Americans, as usual, became subjects to police discrimination and brutality. As a matter of fact, many African-Americans were shot and killed under the nose of Obama.

As previously said in one of my articles "RACISM IS PART OF AMERICA'S CONSTITUTION,Trump knew that the reason he followed the same racist path promoting white suprematism. Little did he know that it will cost him today.

Whether Russia interfered in America's election or not, Trump won but the sad and brutal murder of George Floyd, which shook the racist foundation of America, called for a change in that country but not Donald Trump. He refused to address racial issues dividing the country. 

Many even emphasized that there is going to be a civil war in America, as racial issues turn ugly. When people are oppressed, their only hope is for a change and that change depends on elections. Therefore, I am not surprised that Joe Biden has won the presidential race.

My concern is, how would Biden also treat Africa? Because every American President swears to abide by the constitution and part of this constitution is carrying out global depopulation, especially on the African continent.

Before colonization, the only disease in Africa is malaria, the rest, HIV-Aids, Ebola, tuberculosis, nodding disease, Burkitt's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, and Lassa fever, were man-made diseases or artificially created and deliberately inflicted on the African population.

Each US president collaborates with European countries' leaders that once colonized Africa to run down the continent. Together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), they test and spread diseases in Africa.

While such nefarious activities are going on, they get massive support from the media with false and misleading information about man-made diseases in Africa. For example, they said monkeys responsible for HIV-aids, bats responsible for Ebola, and finally, calling 'nodding disease 'a strange disease.'

The world needs better and sincere leaders to deal with these lies that continue to destroy this world but since it's a crime, they are not interested to do it.

The tiger, Donald Trump, who thinks he is right to do everything he likes, is now out, comes Biden, the dragon, who is coming to spit fire on Africa. In the political history of America, you can't get any American leader that improved the lives of the common African, all of them, including Obama, an African, committed a crime in Africa.

Let America jubilate with Biden, we Africans are not interested in jubilation, we will sit and open our eyes and watch what will unfold under Joe Biden administration, on the continent billions of wealth are stolen yearly, but the people are treated like 'shit-hole nations.'

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