Sunday, November 22, 2020

Why Many Are Not Happy To Live In This World Any More


Many children have depressive symptoms during this coronavirus pandemic

Many children have depressive symptoms during this coronavirus pandemic

Everyone knows that life is very tough and on many occasions, our mind tells us that poverty, hardships, loneliness, depression, lack of money and other difficulties are some of the causes that often escalate one tendency of committing suicide or the desire of not willing to live in this world any longer.

However, observing day after day, we see that people of various classes, estates, and professions such as rich people, scientists, engineers, priests, students, celebrities, bankers, and children, appear to make news headlines for committing suicide. What are they cause to such a terrible thing?

Death is inevitable, everyone will die, whether black, white, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Christian, or Muslim, but the important question is why many don't want to live in this world any longer and often kill themselves before their time? I have asked this same question a number of times but I can't stop asking.

There are many facing families, marriage, and financial problems. Some of these problems can easily be fixed but others are not easy, especially, if the problems take their toll on the person, affecting him psychologically. For example, I observed the psychological impact of the coronavirus on many students and children.

During the highest peak of the coronavirus, the shutdown of schools, social distance observation, and rules to prevent the spread of the disease shocked many people, especially, the younger generation who has no idea of what a biological weapon or quarantine is but are forced to follow the rules.

Just imagine a student who has been studying at school, interacting with his teacher, suddenly finds himself in what is called distance learning by the computer, learning to pass his exams. While on the television or radio each day, students are psychologically affected by the impact of the coronavirus on a killing spree.

As a matter of fact, many may have killed themselves in this hard time of coronavirus because of fear and its impact, and probably, their death may be attributed to the coronavirus. It is very easy for someone that has committed suicide to be said killed by the coronavirus because it's not easy to carry out an autopsy at this very moment.

How do you think of a child's mental state if he or she has lost both parents by coronavirus? The child can never be the same and if care is not taken she might commit suicide if nobody is by her daily to give her some comfort. 

The impact of the coronavirus has quickly become a kind of epidemic threatening the entire society in general and each of every one in particular. What safety can politicians assure citizens if they are responsible for this deadly virus that has killed thousands across the globe?

As a matter of fact, politicians have to do more to save lives because we are living in a critical situation that by the time the coronavirus subsides, life will never be the same. 

Let the authorities be aware that if many people, especially children, don't want to live in this world any longer, then it's their fault and I will always continue to hold them responsible for this terrible pandemic that has hit the world.

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