Wednesday, November 25, 2020

You Can't Fight The Truth To Save Your Business, Instead, Fight The Crime

The truth is powerful than a corrupt magistrate

The truth is powerful than a corrupt magistrate


In every decayed society, the one that speaks the truth is seen as a dangerous person. We must acknowledge the fact that wrongdoing in politics today is accepted as a norm. Politicians, health institutions, companies, and even the police, who are to fight crimes and protect citizens, are committing crimes more than hardened criminals confined permanently behind bars.

Relating to crime, people that commit serious offenses, such as child rapists, molesters, and serial killers, are considered dangerous people in society, but politicians are equally dangerous too, since bad policies and clandestine activities of governments, gradually take their toll on the common people.


Society is fighting a fruitless battle against crime because those that set the laws are the lawbreakers themselves and both the politician and the law enforcement officers are all committing crimes. 


Crime is a business to the police, governments, health institutions, politicians, and pharmaceutical companies, etc, the reason crime is thriving very rapidly in every part of the world today. 


The law doesn't fight the crime, it promotes it and fights the one speaking the truth because he is seen as a threat to their corruptible deals and sources of money. Since many support crime than the truth, the truthful person becomes the most dangerous person in society.


The websites of respected health institutions, are filled up to the brim with false health information. Our children in schools are learning false medical doctrines and advertising companies are making money from false medical information provided by companies and health institutions.


They neither care about the truth nor about false medical information. What they care about is the money provided by companies and health institutions for their deceptive and false medical information to be trumpeted into the brain of the people that bats, bushmeat, and poverty are responsible for Ebola. 


Lies and deceptions are endangering the public, and the rich, the poor, celebrities, etc, are scared to speak against because nobody wants to be called a traitor or wants his career to jeopardize but as long as you have refused to speak the truth, you are already a traitor to humanity or mankind.


Probably, this is one of the reasons, despite how famous and rich some celebrities are, they look miserable like a church mouse and often leading many to commit suicide. You can be rich but if your heart is far from the truth, your money can't give you happiness.


To the politicians, governments, and health institutions, it's necessary to deceive the public about man-made diseases and biological weapons for global depopulation. The media, including CNN and the BBC, have all joined the false campaign about biological weapons for decades, despite having so-called qualified health journalists.


Unless you are a heartless person, without conscience, and far from God, you can have a sound sleep in your life by committing such heinous crimes against humanity followed by lies and deceptions and feel comfortable with it.


When I'm talking the truth, they say I shouldn't but the fact is because Africa is the victim of almost all the US-engineered biological weapons, including, HIV-aids and Ebola, advanced countries weren't interested to discourage the US government from such clandestine acts, instead, they supported the American government.  


But now, look at the world, everyone lives in fear, under psychological torture, after China sent a message last year from Wuhan to the US government that, "Anything you can do, we can do it better and deadly." 


Unless it's a secret plan with China to carry out this deadly pandemic to depopulate the world, if not, then warnings to America to stop such illegal activities on mankind would have prevented the impact of corona calamity today. As said earlier, Africa suffers most, therefore, advanced countries' leaders don't care.


However, today everyone cares because the coronavirus impact is heavier in European countries and the United States of America than in Africa. The impact has affected our economy, schools, finances, accompanied by loneliness, depression, suicide, and other health problems.  


Nobody should hate me for writing such articles because I really find it senseless to write an article to promote beers and chocolates. 


All of us have a responsibility to make this world a better place, we must discourage crime and promote the truth. That's the key to peace and a better world.

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