Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Can Kamala Harris Convince African-Americans Take COVID 19 Vaccine?

The elected Vice-president of America, Kamala Harris, has a daunting task to let African-Americans gain confidence in the WHO

The elected Vice-president of America, Kamala Harris, has a daunting task to let African-Americans gain confidence in the WHO

It's exactly a year, December when the coronavirus from the laboratory of Wuhan, China, struck mankind across the globe. Since then, the ferocious impact of the COVID 19 has affected 64,592,755 worldwide and claimed the lives of over 1,494,935 people, taking a deadly toll on the United States of America, than any country in the world.

Since the virus has killed Black people in the US at twice the rate of white Americans, vaccination should have been the priority to protect themselves, rather, many African-Americans are not interested in taking any vaccine that protects against COVID 19. Why and can Kamala Harris convince them to take the vaccine?

In my beloved Ghana, there are many proverbs with a moral lesson, one of them is: "If you have been bitten by a snake before, you'll be scared if you see the worm." Black history is sad and bitter, characterized by both physical and medical crimes.

Apart from slavery atrocities, colonial brutalities, and the horrors of Apartheid, black people suffered also the deliberate infection of man-made diseases. 

The most trusted health institutions, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, the US government, and some Western European countries were responsible for the deliberate infection of diseases among the black populations. 

If today, African-Americans have trust issues and they boycott any mandatory vaccination against COVID 19, then there are reasons. Both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control have abused their trust.


From 1932 to 1972, the USA Public Health Service carried out a study entitled "Study of Untreated syphilis in the male negro in Macon County," involving 400 dark-skinned men (Africa-Americans) suffering from syphilis, who were deceived into believing that they were receiving effective treatment.


The disease and death of these men was carefully studied. 15 years later the knowledge from this study was used. From 1986 to 1989, the number of blacks in the USA suffering from syphilis increased. by 132%, while the number of White Americans dropped by 69%.

The notorious Tuskegee experiment started in 1932, just before the start of the German National Socialism, which ended in 1972. Since the experimental project became public, the U.S. government paid out compensation of ten million U.S. dollars in damages, but apologies are never made. During the forty years that the experiment lasted, many impoverished black men kept the disease unaware without treatment.


When HIV-Aids engulfed the world, even though it was a biological weapon, both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control lied that it was monkeys brought from the Philippines to the United States of America that was responsible. Once you lie to the people and they found out the truth, many will lose confidence in you.

Readers will agree with me that from the early stages, one of the causes said by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control that attributed to the fast rate of HIV-Aids in Africa is poverty, yet both WHO and CDC haven't any answer as to why HIV-Aids hit both Africans and African-Americans simultaneously?

The shocking part of the medical crime reveals that vaccines to the third world countries to treat HIV-aids patients were contaminated, giving birth to a new disease, leading to the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-aids patients at the same time. 

We also read about the South African Dr. Wouter Basson, alias Dr. Death, who was involved in the development and production of chemical and biological weapons, developed T-shirts with poison. This poison eventually caused fatal heart defects to black South Africans.

One of our co-writers of the unique and authentic health blog, "Secrets of HIV-aids and Ebola Facts Journal," Dr. Wolff Geisler, recorded in Uganda, the deliberate spread of Aids by the British doctor, Wilson Carswell, who later fled the country for his life after the Ugandan government detected his crimes and destroyed his shoddy Aids research files and computer.


Ebola strikes Congo in 1976 and repeated itself in three West African countries in 2014

The first case of Ebola occurred near the river Ebola in Congo in 1976 and in 2014, the deadly hemorrhagic fever struck Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, at the same time. 

Even though it was a biological weapon by the US government when Obama was the president, till now, the World Health Organization, Centers for Diseases Control, and the mainstream media, including CNN and the BBC, have filled their websites with false information that bats were responsible for the spread of the virus.

However, despite both BBC and CNN claim, that they have qualified health journalists, they have forgotten that the same hemorrhagic fever  (Ebola( outbreaks occurred simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967. 


If I have to continue to bring out crimes Western Europe, the US government, and individuals, such as Bill Gates have committed in Africa, this article will be a complete manuscript for a book publication. The important question is let's assume if African-Americans wouldn't like to vaccinate against the coronavirus because of trust issues, can Kamala Harris convince them?

Like Africans, African -Americans also don't trust vaccines because of past experience in America, and also the deliberate spread of diseases on the continent of Africa.  As the Vice-President and also African-American, Kamala Harris has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders to build trust between the World Health Organization and black people.

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