Sunday, January 31, 2021

Slavery Lasted 400 years, So Why The Protests Against COVID 19 Lockdown For Some Few Days?


Protesters against coronavirus lockdown in the Netherlands

Protesters against coronavirus lockdown in the Netherlands

The coronavirus lockdown is provoking many people that want their freedom around the world, despite the high rate of COVID 19 infections in recent times.  Hence, many people worldwide, including the Netherlands, not satisfied with the lockdown rules to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus, took to the streets protesting.

There is no one who doesn’t like the taste of sweet freedom because as humans, people are not interested in laws and rules that will confine them to one place. Frankly speaking, freedom is more effective than any medicine as it prevents loneliness, depression, any psychological problems, including the tendencies of committing suicide.


Even animals and birds like freedom, since many are fed up being kept in the zoo. Even in a cage, a bird may seem happy whistling and hopping around, yet open the cage for that bird and you will see the full force of flight that bird will be applied to escape into the air without looking back.


There was much unrest through Europe, including London, over the lockdown. In Eindhoven, one of the cities in Holland, protesters set fires and threw missiles at the police against the lockdown measures, while the police fought to control the situation with tear gas and water cannons, leading to the arrest of at least 55 people.


Many times, I keep wondering if people that have never suffered slavery, racism, colonial brutalities, the Apartheid form of government, and the handicapped by deliberate infection of diseases, understand the situation of people that have experienced such tragedies and bitter experiences of black history.


Africans were captured and sold as slaves in the most degrading and horrifying manner that lasted 400 years before abolition, yet today we are witnessing carnage, destruction, crimes against the authorities because they want people to obey the laws implemented to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.


How sincere and thoughtful are we as human beings? You, in life many don’t care about other people's sufferings because they are not the victims. Selfishness, greed, lies, and hypocrisy are some of the ailments that shut down the brain of human beings to be considerate to think about the well-being of other people.


If black people have survived slavery, Apartheid horrors, and colonial atrocities that lasted for decades, why some people always want to break the rule and find it difficult to survive a lockdown for some few days to prevent the spread of a disease that will benefit us?

The truth is in life if you haven't been through certain difficulties, you wouldn't have the experience to accept certain rules for your own benefit. People often don't care about the tragedies that fall on other people but the reality is whatever goes around, always comes around.

The situation about the coronavirus is hard to understand. We don't see people getting ill or falling on the streets, yet we hear of people dying each day by COVID 19. Whether what those health experts are telling us is true or false, we must obey the rules and see what happens

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