Tuesday, February 23, 2021



Google is not only corrupt but also a criminal company

Google is not only corrupt but also a criminal company

Google, the search engine company, is a criminal company, building its billions of dollars yearly by aiding, abetting, and defending crimes by the US government, Bill Gates, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control.


For decades, Google has been targeting websites that feature true articles about certain diseases, such as HIV-Aids, Ebola, Lassa fever, nodding diseases, which are actually biological weapons, engineered from the laboratories of the US government.


The Google search company has declared war on the independent scientists and health websites with the right information about the clandestine medical or biological weapon crimes by the US government, under the supervision of the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and individuals such as Bill Gates.


Google is forcing us to join the evil Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, the US government, and the Centers for Disease Control, to write that bats, monkeys, poverty, etc, are responsible for those man-made diseases or biological weapons but we are not prepared to do this. Life is precious than silver and gold.

In a Mafioso style, the search engine company makes billions from Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, to rank high their websites carrying those false medical information.


People, including many health writers, are scared to write about Google's collaboration with criminals organizations and rich individuals, such as Bill Gates because they will be punished by taking their websites out of sight of readers. Yes, Google can bury your website that nobody can see it. 

This is what we are experiencing now because of the truth.


However, we the writers of “Secrets of HIV-Aids and Ebola Facts Journal,” and “Juskosave’s Ghana Crowdsourcing News,” are not going to kowtow for criminals like Google, the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Bill Gates.


Our voices can never be silenced, not even the voices of the innocent people killed by the US government, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control can be silenced let alone the living ones.


America says in God they trust, yet see how the invincible God that they claim they believe in is dealing with them. When your cup is full and it spills over, nothing can save you and all your hidden crimes will be available and indelible in the sky for everyone to see.

Google’s time will soon come. The company in a similar way, will suffer the wrath of God for every injustice, criminal activities and psychological harassment they commit against innocent people with impunity.


This article will neither be our first nor last, we shall make our voices heard by writing more articles about the clandestine crimes of Google company and the suffering they are causing to innocent people because of the truth.


If Google thinks they have the power to commit crimes with impunity, we will remind them that whatever goes around comes around. They will surely have a taste or harvest the evil they planted without any escape root at the right time.


Google wants to play tough, pretending they don’t care about what we write about them but that’s not true. In fact, they are equally scared like the US government, Centers for Disease Control - CDC, World Health Organization - WHO and Bill Gates.


Since our blogs have been submitted to Yandex, a Russian search engine company, we have been receiving e-mails each day from the webmaster any time Google diverts the canonical of our articles or links to 404 errors. 

Why are they diverting our articles or suppressing information on our blogs? The answer is as simple as ABC because they are scared.


“A child that says he or she will not allow her mother to sleep by crying the whole night will also not sleep,” this is a Ghanaian proverb. 

We will only stop writing about the crimes of Google if they leave us alone. After all, we don’t need their search engine, since our quality articles invite readers. But we are angry because they have blocked the access of our readers from social media platforms to read what we write. We can't accept this because it's a crime.

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