Monday, March 08, 2021

Why Governments Worried About Fake News But Not About False Health Articles

The truth about the deadly Ebola virus has been suppressed with false health articles

The truth about the deadly Ebola virus has been suppressed with false health articles

Worldwide, especially, European and American governments, have taken into consideration how fake news is misleading, causing anxiety, fear, and destroying our society, therefore, leading to the declaration of war in an effort to subdue the purveyors of fake news.


However, it will shock you if you discover thousands or probably millions of fake or false health articles on websites around the globe, including the websites of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, which governments are not worried about. We need to find out the reason if you are an intelligent person. 


The dangers of false health news are eminent and we live with them today but the sad aspects of them all is the belief many had in these destructive and deceptive articles aren’t educative at all but rather increasing more health crimes since many are convinced that bush meat, primates, bats, monkeys, etc, are actually responsible.


You can find false medical articles about HIV, Aids, Ebola, Burkitt’s lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, Lassa fever, nodding disease, etc, on websites all over the world in different languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, and Italian, which is shocking. The important question we need to ask ourselves is, do the writers know the articles are false or not?


Fact that the majority of health writers depend on the health articles or information provided by the World Health Organization and Centers of Disease Control, many are not aware that the two health institutions have been involved in series of medical crimes against humanity, especially in Asia, Africa or third world countries, therefore, the need to provide false health information is necessary.


Yes, the need for the WHO and CDC to provide false information about certain diseases such as HIV, Aids, nodding disease, Lassa fever, etc; is necessary because bats bush meat, primates, monkeys, etc, have nothing to do with those diseases. All of them are purely man-made or biological weapons to destroy people who haven’t any power to protect themselves.


And today, as witnesses, we have seen the outcome of the hypocrisy, lies, and deceptions by foreign governments, including European and American governments that for decades have been continuously aiding, abetting, and supporting the false theories about medical crimes against humanity, which the blame has been shifted to bats, primates, monkeys, etc, when China responded with the coronavirus to acknowledge their position and threat as a ‘Superpower country.’


How do we succeed in the combat against crimes when the authorities themselves are white-collar criminals? Many times, people actually don’t care about what happens to Africans. Even some people want all of them dead to make it easier for them to steal the continent’s resources.


However, despite slavery, colonial brutality, Apartheid, and the deliberate spread of diseases, Africa will always be there as a continent. Governments can pretend worried about fake news and ignore false health news, it will come back to haunt them at the right time.


It is time for advanced countries’ leaders to acknowledge the fact they are responsible for the death of thousands of people today because of their continuous aiding and abetting of medical crimes often taken place in the third world. 

The blood of the innocent victims who have perished by the COVID 19 will always remain indelible in your palms.

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