Saturday, April 24, 2021

In today’s world, if you are not interested in a crime, they call you a ‘dangerous person’

Immoralities, lies, deceptions, sex, etc, are now part of politics

Immoralities, lies, deceptions, sex, etc, are now part of politics

We are in a world that everything that is contrary to what is written in the bible is normal because many people, including governments and politicians, are not prepared to repent and live to the principles of the bible, even though before taking office they swore an oath with the holy bible.

This is how politicians pile up curses on their heads, often affecting innocent people and taking them into their untimely graves. These are the simple articles that I write, yet governments, politicians, and search engines find them disturbing and worrisome.

Yes, they find them worrisome because they know I am speaking the truth. The truth is not only bitter than the bile but it can make a white man’s face red like tomatoes and a black man’s face darker because they have been confronted with something they are not ready to face.

Many are no more interested in reading the bible or worshipping God, instead, they worship rich people. 

Do you know the crimes these rich people commit clandestinely with their money? Do they even think about you as a human being? If they do, many of them will not be financing global depopulation.

The calendar has twelve months, from January to December and the birth of everyone falls on each of this month, which means we are different people. 

Therefore, if you like to deceive people, tell lies, or live on crime, to generate money, don’t hate someone that doesn't want to live a different life from what you do.

When you start oppressing the life of someone who doesn’t want to live that reckless and deceptive life, that’s how you begin to say prayers to the devil each day. 

You feel restless and, therefore, you think suppressing the life of the person speaking the truth is what will set you free.

Brothers and sisters, there is no satisfaction, rest, or happiness to those that oppress others because of the truth. 

In fact, their days are numbered. When the wrath of the invincible Spirit God turns on you, their darkness will turn to broad daylight and there is nothing that will save them.

I will summarize this article with two examples. R. Kelly, the African-American musician, believes he can fly but when the storm is over, all his wrongdoings and crime against humanity were exposed. Today, his glory has to turn into shame behind bars.

Harvey Weinstein had it all with riches in the film industry but he abused his power by sexually abusing women who are in the film industry because many are desperate to be successful actresses. 

Where is he now? When his night turns to daylight, he received the shock of his life as he was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

Whatever evil you do on this earth, whether someone sees it or not, you will pay for it no matter how long it takes. 

If you die and go without paying for the evil things you did, your children or great-grandchildren will settle the price. Mark it on the wall and prove me wrong.

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