Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Truth Behind Not Giving Any Support To The Incompetent Ghanaian President, Akufo Addo

Akufo Addo is the worst president in the political history of Ghana

Akufo Addo is the worst president in the political history of Ghana

Tell me your name and I will tell you where you come from. Among Ghanaian presidents, I can tell you those that achieved success through hard work, efficiency, dedication, in the country and the one that only appeared on the political scene for self-recognition and to divide the people.


Akufo Addo thinks of his family and himself only, the reason despite the collapsed banking institutions and the high rate of unemployment in the country, his burning ambition is to build a Cathedral and now the latest embarrassment is "President cuts sod for the construction of Award House."


Since the NPP government doesn't know how to create jobs, improve the health sectors, and the deadly roads killing innocent Ghanaians daily, they only boast of toilets and free education that is in acute crisis. 


Apart from corruption, ignorant plays a major role in Ghana’s underdevelopment to the extent that nothing significant has been achieved since Akufo Addo became president, yet when someone criticizes the president, the morons say it is disrespectful. What has disrespect got to do with criticism?


Ghana may already sink or at the point of sinking, meanwhile, the prices of everything has gone up, while the cedi has depreciated, yet, they say we shouldn’t talk but to support a government that is deeply corrupt to bring a whole rich country like Ghana to its knees.


One can be inspired by his father because he was a politician but you can never be a good politician like your father. It doesn't make sense at all if someone forces himself to be a president because of greed or had a relative who was a politician.


The result can be very disastrous, ranging from a fragile economy, hunger, debt, to a high rate of unemployment. This is what we are currently experiencing in Ghana.


Since the NPP government doesn't know how to create jobs, build the necessary projects the country needs, improve the economy, health, and educational sectors, Akufo Addo has failed miserably as a leader. 


This is the kind of president the morons in Ghana and outside the country, including the failed Akyem writer, want others to follow.


I am not ready to write any stupid articles to give my support to an incompetent Ghanaian president or politician in the country. I need to inform the failed jealous ‘Akyem’ columnist who can’t stand me because his dark heart can’t accept that I am a better writer than him.


It is not the use of big English words that makes one a good writer. Good writers are easily recognized by the subjects of interest they choose and it’s education to the general public.


As a so-called columnist with over five thousand written articles, ‘Akyem’ columnist should have been a very good writer with his works available on both local and international platforms.


But because in his entire life, he devoted his time by writing articles to promote hate and division in Ghana, he failed as a writer. How do you expect someone whose entire works are based on tribalism and hate, against people such as John Mahama, Kwame Nkrumah, etc, to be a successful writer?


If the Akyem columnist articles make sense, he should have got numerous followers on Twitter. I went to his Twitter account and behold, I saw only 48 followers, yet, this writer (Joel Savage) that the Akyem columnist hates so much has worked hard to gain over 6,000 followers.


Do you think Twitter followers are fools to follow everyone just for nothing or someone like you because you have a Ph.D. to your name?


Business people, journalists, scientists, health officials, engineers, pilots, etc, on the social platform LinkedIn, are neither fools nor stupid too, the reason I have close to 8,000 followers. So before you use stupid names on people, first, you need to think deeply about your own position.


From the time I joined ModernGhana news columnists, you have continued to hate me till now. According to yourself, you were born on April 8, 1963, in Ghana but this writer born in January 1957, older than you by 6 years, is stronger and handsome than you.


Joel Savage at 63 in 2020

Joel Savage at 63 in 2020

The picture I used for this article is Joel Savage at 63, in 2020. By God's Grace, look how energetic and handsome I am at such an age.


Let everyone visit the column of this man on ModernGhana and take a look at how horrible he looks at the age of 57. In fact, he looks like an American junkie or a drug addict.

The so-called Ghanaian writer,, Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe. He claims to be related to the president, Akufo Addo, and therefore, wants me to praise the incompetent government of the NPP. How possible such an old man was born in 1963, (57) years old?

The so-called Ghanaian writer, Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, claims to be related to the president, Akufo Addo, and therefore, wants me to praise the incompetent government of the NPP. How possible such an old man was born in 1963, (57) years old? 

Do you think I am stupid like you to follow an incompetent Ghanaian president like Akufo Addo? I am not a fool. In Ghana, no one is better than anyone,


If you sit in America and blow your nepotistic and tribalistic trumpet, supporting a corrupt and inefficient president because you are related, according to you, doesn't mean I will also do the same, therefore, continue screaming and accuse me to be a member of the NDC.


Nobody is better than anyone in Ghana, despite that we have different regions or come from different roots, yet Akufo Addo has shown that if you are not an Akyem, then you are either not a Ghanaian or you are an outcast.


Wisdom and knowledge are special gifts from God, if you are born without them, then cultivate them to improve your life. If you fail to have them during your youth, you will die an old man without them. That’s a big injustice to yourself, you don’t have to blame anybody for that.


If America and Europe stink like the gutters of Makola Market, you people wouldn’t be there to support bad governments in Ghana. Because America has good medical facilities, Ken Ofori Atta went there for medical treatment, yet the uncompleted projects, including hospitals Mahama couldn’t complete, were abandoned by the NPP government. What a waste of resources?


Ghana is for Ghanaians, not for a tribe, we need to find a better leader to move the country forward; therefore, I am not ready to give support to any incompetent Ghanaian leader, hell, no.


I will weep daily if I am related to Akufo Addo because his presence in Ghana as a president is very embarrassing and his leadership hasn't only crippled the country by corruption, incurred debt but also made Ghana, this great nation a laughing stock in the eyes of the developed world.

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