Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Chronic Mistrust Evolving Around Vaccination For Decades


Anti-vaccine group protesters

Anti-vaccine group protesters

The emergence of viruses can come anytime, either by mistake or on purpose but the important issue of concern is always the request by health institutions and governments to vaccinate against infection or the spread of the disease.


Requesting people to vaccinate against infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, shouldn’t have been a very big or disturbing problem but it is because the world of vaccines is never clean, transparent, and honest. Pharmaceutical companies are greedy and corrupt.


There have been so many crimes associated with diseases and vaccinations. It may be likely that the disease is man-made, yet the government wants to divert the victims’ attention to a false origin or the vaccine to arrest the disease is contaminated.


Whether such crimes take place in the third world or not there are people that believe the same crime can be repeated in the developed too. This is one of the reasons it is not very easy at the moment to convince people to take vaccines against diseases or viruses.


Do we have to blame people who are not interested in vaccination or the governments and health institutions? There are several pieces of evidence linking governments and health institutions to the crimes against humanity but an apology is seldom.


Yes, health institutions and governments involved in medical crimes against humanity never apologize to the public or victims. Now they want everyone to vaccinate against COVID-19, yet they know that people can’t be easily persuaded to get the vaccination.

So, to make it compulsory, they are telling us today in a publication that “The EU is officially welcoming vaccinated travelers in summer 2021.” That means without the vaccination, you can’t travel to any European country to enjoy summer.


The Black History is very bitter than the quinine and being a Black man aware of so many medical crimes, involving biological weapons and vaccine contamination, we need to think twice before taking any vaccine into the body or not. 

Yet, the system says if we don’t do it, we can’t travel. Well, we shall do it and see what happens. Already, there are publications about the side effects of some of these vaccines but that is not important to governments than to vaccinate.

The mass refusal of people not interested in the COVID-19 vaccine should be a lesson to health institutions, pharmaceutical companies, governments, and politicians because it tells their clandestine crimes outside the window don't allow people to trust them any longer.

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