Sunday, June 13, 2021



Politicians, health institutions, and rich people are today behind crimes against humanity

Politicians, health institutions, and rich people are today behind crimes against humanity

Many attribute crimes in society and against humanity to poverty, unemployment, the lack of education. However, many educated people, including politicians, members of the royal family, upper-class people in society, reputable health institutions, and companies, are behind horrendous crimes against humanity today.

The lifestyle of politicians and members of royal families can be envied. They travel around the world, attend social gatherings and dress in modern wealthy outfits, yet many are miserable like a church mouse. 

Some become alcoholic and depressed because they champion false causes under false pretense. They lie about everything including, diseases and biological weapons against humanity.

The status of a politician, member of a royal family, or rich people, doesn’t make them special; in fact, history reveals the crimes the United States, Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, and health institutions, such as the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control, have committed against humanity.

Terrorism is considered a very serious crime by any government. Belgium, the United States of America, and several other countries have people they consider dangerous terrorists behind bars. 

They claim they want to make this world safe, yet, it’s shocking if you analyze the crimes the same governments have committed against humanity with impunity and they think it's appropriate to declare war on those that write the truth.

Wealthy heirs, respected members of royal families, politicians, and successful businessmen, act like real criminals, supporting and committing crimes both politically and medically against humanity, while they desperately try to shift the attention of the general public to false causes or origins of those crimes.

I don’t know who to share my grief with, for decades; I haven’t committed any crime in the country that I live. I am just a common African writer not interested in crimes, yet the fears of being exposed have propelled certain social media, politicians, and Google search engine company, to treat me like a criminal because of the truth I write.

You politicians, health institutions, journalists, Google, etc, all of you, claim to play a role in fighting crimes against humanity but why do you oppress me for writing the truth as my part in fighting against crimes in society? It doesn’t make sense. 

You can’t tell the world you are fighting against crime, while you suppress information and oppress people that write the truth because you are part of the culprits. That is pure hypocrisy. That’s why today, I don’t have respect for any politician or Google because they are all criminals. 

There are too many crimes today but the disturbing part is the politicians, rich people, and the health institutions are involved. 

They kill innocent people with biological weapons of Aids and Ebola, yet, you try to force people to believe that primates, bats, poverty, bushmeat, etc, are responsible. 

Google now controls what I write by either reducing our blogs' visibility in search engines or blocking the access of our readers on social media to reach what we write. This is a crime but the management considers it normal.

The punishment for your lies, deception, and crimes is the result of the coronavirus today. Many were hoping Africa will not be spared by the coronavirus, not this time. 

Africa has suffered enough from deliberate disease infections; including, Aids, nodding disease, and Ebola, therefore, God says enough is enough.

Those harassing me, trying to bury our blogs, reducing the visibility of our blogs in search engines, diverting our articles to 404 errors, because of the truth, must continue to do so. Whatever goes around, comes around, when their time comes, we shall read about their disgrace as it unfolds.

You can be rich but you will never be happy because you are causing suffering to others that they don’t deserve. 

Once you know of the crimes politicians, the upper class, health institutions, and companies commit, it's really difficult to have respect for them. That's why today, I have lost respect for Google. Websites owners can worship the search engine company, I will worship God. 

Nobody can oppress, force me to join a gang of wolves in sheep’s clothing, or stops me from writing about your clandestine crimes against humanity because my glory resides in the truth.

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