Monday, August 16, 2021

To Whom It May Concern: Google Has Sabotaged The Genuine Health Blog Secrets Of Aids And Ebola

Google, the world must watch carefully this search engine company

Google, the world must watch carefully this search engine company

This is to inform all our readers around the world that Google, the search engine company, which we are using its platform - blogger, to launch our genuine health blog, Secrets of Aids and Ebola Facts Journal, has manipulated and sabotaged the blog for writing genuine health articles.

Therefore, the above-mentioned health blog can't be read in any browser as it spins without opening for anyone to get access to read the right health information we are providing the world. 

This is the time for everyone to rise because no amount of money can buy your health. 

If you are an intelligent person, ask yourself why Google, the World Health Organization - WHO, Centers for Disease Control -CDC, Belgium, and the US governments, and individuals like Fauci and Bill Gates, are preventing you from reading what we write? 

Why are they preventing us to provide the right health information to the general public? Are they scared of something? Why do you have to run away when nobody is after you?

Related article: If The Law Exists For The Blackman, I Will Sue Google For Millions Of Dollars

Joel Savage, a victim of Google's crimes with impunity

Joel Savage, a victim of Google's crimes with impunity

The fear that Google will destroy people's websites for speaking the truth or publishing true health articles, has forced everyone to be quiet. 

Google now has become God and people worship the search engine company. As for me and my family, we shall worship the Lord.

A word to the wise is enough. Enough is enough.  Google, deliberately destroyed our blog to cover up crimes against humanity. 

Since all the health information on the websites of WHO and CDC about Aids, Ebola, Nodding disease, Lassa fever, etc, are false.

And when you click the blog "Secrets of Aids and Ebola Facts Journal," this is what the corrupt Google, aiding, abetting, and supporting crimes against humanity for money has written:

"This blog is under review due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations and is open to authors only."

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