Monday, May 11, 2020


Water is a staff of life and a prerequisite for a healthy life

Water is a staff of life and a prerequisite for a healthy life

Water is like the blood every human being needs in the body because without it life can’t go on, yet Africa faces the biggest challenge of water crisis yearly, which often leads to poor sanitation, diseases, and other health hazards.

Like a lazy moving snail, Africa’s development has been very slow, affecting its infrastructures, including buildings, sanitation, schools, health, and water. Poverty is so severe that many villages have no access to electricity and water.

The water crisis in developing Africa and other continents called for ‘World Water Day’ -Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by the United Nations on March 22, 1992, on the theme ‘Water For Life.’

In the year 2013, on holidays in the Gambia, one of the tourists attraction countries embedded into Senegal, in West Africa, Loes Koenen, a Dutch woman working in the health sector had a change of mind after visiting the rural parts in the country.

WellHalo’s water project in The Gambia

“I saw with my own eyes how poor the Gambian people are. I was devastated by the misery and especially the poverty, that I needed a few days to recover. 

That’s why I decided to go back to the Gambia in February 2014, to do something about it. I couldn’t live with myself, living in Holland with all the luxury, while people there are suffering,” says Loes Koen.

Like the Polish writer, Ryszard Kapuscinski, sharing his experience of his visit to Africa, including Ghana, Loes said, in the Gambia, it was like I was living in a documentary of National Geographic, but with the bitter reality. 

We were in the land of nowhere, dry land, dry bushes, with dirt roads and the only green I saw were Baobab trees, the only trees that bear fruit.

Without wasting no time, the ‘WellHalo Foundation’ embarked on the construction of sustainable water wells on solar energy in the villages. Each project is relatively expensive, about 7500 Euros, but it will last a very long time.

WellHalo Foundation finds those projects very necessary because of the lack of clean water generates infectious diseases such as malaria since mosquitoes lay their eggs in the water. 

During my first visit, I was faced with these tough questions, how do these people cope? And how do they survive? The questions were finally answered when we begin the projects.

The need to help Africa is very necessary. We can’t pretend we don’t know what is going on. Giving Africa clean water is like saving the entire continent and putting a street child in the classroom is like saving an entire nation. Know more about predicaments in Africa. 

You are invited to join the ‘WellHalo Foundation’ and together let’s help Africa.

Official website of ‘WellHalo Foundation’:

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