Saturday, May 09, 2020


Amanuel Neguede: AFP fact-checking journalist in Addis Ababa

Amanuel Neguede: AFP fact-checking journalist in Addis Ababa

Mr. Amanuel Neguede, your article entitled "French doctor did not urge Africans to avoid a Bill Gates vaccine," which was published on April 9, 2020, in AFP Check Fact, has caught my attention. 

According to the publication, you did an investigation by following the story only to know that it was a hoax, doctor, Didier Raoult didn't say that Africans should reject Bill Gates's vaccine.

I don't know the significance of your investigation and the publication of your article because if you have been paid to publish such an insignificant article, then I am sorry, your publication can't change the mind of Africans.

When the publication came out, I posted it directly on the Facebook page of Dr. Didier Raoult, if it's false or a hoax, why the doctor didn't contact me or remove it? Mr. Neguede, it seems you are assisting AFP to suppress information. 

Mr. Neguede, if you are a qualified journalist as you claim to be, firstly, you should have investigated the background and activities of Bill and Melinda Gates' Foundation in third world countries.

Secondly, you should have investigated how HIV-Aids, Burkitt's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, nodding disease, and Ebola occurred in Africa.

And finally, if you are a qualified journalist, before the publication of your article, you should have investigated the clandestine backgrounds of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control in the third world countries.

If you want to challenge me or don't believe me, after reading this article, send me your e-mail through the contact form and I will provide you with vital important documents pertaining to all the medical crimes the World Health Organization committed in Africa. 

You are an African, Mr. Negueda unless you have been paid to write this insignificant article because you should even have known by now that both Russian leader, Vladimir Putin and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, have accused Bill Gates of testing Ebola in Congo and my friend, Johan van Dongen, the Dutch scientist, and micro-surgeon, has also documents about that.

Among all the seven continents in the world, Africa is the only continent that has suffered slavery, colonialism brutalities, Apartheid, HIV-Aids, and Ebola, please, if you know how to investigate a true or a hoax story, why have failed to investigate why Europe and America can't leave Africa alone?

I am trying to do my own investigation to find out where you come from, after reading your article, I saw 'Fact-checking journalist in Addis Ababa,' thus; I strongly believe that you an Ethiopian.

The same country, the criminal Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus comes from. This even supports my claim that probably you have been paid to write this article so that Bill Gates's dangerous vaccines will find its way into Africa. 

How is it possible that on May 6, 2020, I published ‘AFRICANS MUST BEWARE OF FOREIGN DRUGS AND VACCINES AGAINST CORONAVIRUS, then just three days after the publication, you published this article?

Birds of the same feathers flock together, Tedros Ghebreyesus and Bill Gates

Until this world becomes a better place for everyone to lead a normal life, we need qualified journalists who have dedicated their lives to pursuing the truth. 

There are so many Africans employed by foreign media to make it easy for people like Bill Gates to use Africans as guinea pigs to test drugs and vaccines on the continent, I think you are one of them.

Have you seen the world today decimated by the coronavirus? Lies and deceptions have played major roles in it. And to summarize this article, probably, you may not understand why I called the WHO Director-General, Ghebeyesus, a criminal.

Please, if you are interested, you can read this article: CAN GHEBREYESUS TELL THE WORLD THE TRUTH ABOUT EBOLA? – ASKS SCIENTIST DONGEN 

When you write the truth, people interested in what you write will always try to find you, the reason I have thousands of followers on the major social media platforms. 

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