Thursday, July 02, 2020

I Can't Change The World But I Will Not Support The Crimes Of Bill Gates

Bill Gates, a man third world countries must never trust

Bill Gates, a man third world countries must never trust

Sometimes, I feel sick and my blood runs cold if I read about some people who are considered great in society because of their money, yet people actually don’t know or believe the harm and suffering they have caused to mankind, especially in third world countries.


One of such persons is Bill Gates, I think there are some people who even worship him because of his wealth and his philanthropic activities but thousands, probably millions of people, actually don’t know what the demons in Bill Gates tell him to do.


Needlessly, people have suffered and still suffering in this world because they believe in lies than the truth. People are interested in Bill Gates because he is rich and only helping poor people.

I am sorry to say that if you are among those who think the same that Bill Gates likes to help the poor, then you are a fool, I will repeat, you are a big fool.


In fact, if truly God and heaven exist, Bill Gates will not even qualify to enter ‘hell,’ let alone heaven, despite all his money and millions of followers on Twitter. 

It is not an exaggeration, for a very long time, Bill Gates has been supporting the US government and the World Health Organization, financially,  to commit so many medical crimes against humanity in third world countries.


Whether he sends contaminated vaccines, drugs or uses Africans as guinea pigs to test new drugs and vaccines manufactured in the United States of America, or not, many Americans aren't interested because Bill and Melinda Gates' Foundation is helping Africa.


Still, people don’t care when the Russian and North Korean leaders, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un accused Bill Gates of spreading and testing Ebola in Africa because the African continent is not Europe or America. But since what goes around comes around, the whole world is suffering from the impact of the COVID – 19 today.


Intelligent people and independent scientists are not excluding the possibility of the artificial origin of the coronavirus. The world will never be stable for people to enjoy a normal life if lies are covered up by the media. 

This is the question, many people want the so-called mainstream media, including CNN and BBC to ask the US government:


If the US government, Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization claim that the Ebola virus is not a biological weapon but bats are responsible, then why before the explosion of the disease in the three West African countries of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, the Centers for Disease Control already owns a patent on a particular strain of Ebola known as "EboBun," which was awarded in 2010 with patent No. CA2741523A1?


Just as behind every biological weapon or pandemic, lies a bunch of lies, the same also the COVID-19 is associated with senseless theories. 

Does this make sense to you if you are intelligent? 


"The new coronavirus quietly spread inside the pig’s body. Farmers gradually began to get sick and the infected people having started respiratory infections. The symptoms ranged from flu to obstructive pneumonia, putting many of the severely ill patients in intensive care."


Within some few weeks, many have died, and flights were canceled, resulting in the collapse of many businesses around the globe. People don’t fly anymore, the economies of countries that are highly dependent on tourism have collapsed, all because of coronavirus which has nothing to do with any animal or animal market.


The fact that the US government has engaged in a series of biological weapon programs, including HIV-aids, Ebola, and the 1918 flu that killed millions of people, they find it hard to accuse China of triggering a biological weapon, even though Mike Pompeo did accuse China of engaging in a  biological weapon from Wuhan laboratory. 


Since Bill Gates likes investing in vaccines, many world leaders don't trust him. Before the coronavirus last year, Gates has already spoken about it. This might be only a coincidence, yet some people, including governmental figures, think Gates is involved. 

I wasn't surprised when Sara Cunial, Italian Congress Woman Calls For The Arrest Of Bill Gates

According to data published by the authoritative American publication Politico, since 2000, the Gates Foundation has invested more than 2 billion 400 million dollars in the World Health Organization. 

One of his significant reasons for expenditure is the fight against childhood polio. Bill Gates has decided to eradicate this disease in India. With his money, a vaccination program for the population called Pulse Polio was developed.


Things turn ugly afterward. An article with the headline “491,000 children paralyzed in 17 years offers a study on the Indian polio vaccine program” was published at the website of greenmedinfo, a site where scientists from around the world publish their work. 

Indeed, Bill Gates' medicine paralyzed half a million people because the people were used as guinea pigs to test the new drug which was manufactured in the United States of America. If Gates really wants to fight polio or any disease in India, he knows the right medicine to use.

It is true that elites don't go to jail, moreover, it's clear also that the International Criminal Court is corrupt, else someone like Bill Gates should have been locked behind bars by now for committing serious crimes against humanity in the third world countries. 

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