Monday, June 29, 2020

What You Must Know About Search Engines Before Becoming A Blogger

There is also corruption associated with Google, Bing, and Yahoo

There is also corruption associated with Google, Bing, and Yahoo 

The search engine is a fairly large and complex program, which essence lies in finding the information we need on the internet. They also give you the opportunity for your business to be discovered when someone is looking for information about certain businesses.

This sounds very interesting and amusing, if you want to start a business, be a blogger, or a writer, to share your ideas and opinions on certain issues but you will soon know that corruption doesn't only exist in institutions and politics but also associated with search engine companies.

In 2004, I joined the platform of 'Blogspot,' a social platform that belongs to Google. You might think since Blogspot is for Google, it will be the best place to enjoy a remarkable experience of 'Search Engine Optimization - SEO but that's not true.

Once you choose to blog on Blogspot, you have two invincible paths designed by Google to choose. You either choose the path of truth or lies.

Depending on what you will write or the information you will provide, you can either choose - the path of lies to be ranked high in the search engine, or choose the path of truth to be completely taken from the search engine.

Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc, suppress information. These search engines will let you disappear from their engines if you write articles exposing the US government's biological weapons program, such as HIV-Aids, Zika virus, and Ebola.

Since almost all the health websites ranked high by Google, carry false information about the diseases, Google will not permit you to use its platform, Blogspot, to expose the US government, World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control because the Google's company makes millions of dollars from them.

So if you want to be a blogger, you must choose your subjects carefully to be search engine friendly. Google, Bing, and Yahoo think it's necessary to kick you out from their search engines for business sake since they fully depend on money from their clients, not interested in the truth.

The blog 'Juskosave,' once was one of the best news blogs, ranked high in all the search engines, generating thousands of readers per day.

Everything changed after visiting the Dutch scientist, Johan van Dongen and the German medical doctor, Wolff Geisler, and started exposing Bill Gates, the US government, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.

Under the supervision of the World Health Organization, the US government deliberately triggered biological weapons of Aids, Kaposi's sarcoma, nodding disease, and Burkitt's lymphoma in Uganda. Websites ranked high by Google call nodding disease a 'strange disease.'

The same thing happened in 2014, when the US government triggered biological weapon Ebola in the West African countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, claiming bats were responsible for the spread of the disease.

Meanwhile, the same Ebola had already appeared simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967, and 1976 in Congo. 

Since people like Bill Gates are included in clandestine medical crimes in Africa, together with the World Health Organization, Google thinks it's not appropriate to use its platform to reveal the truth and other search engines, like Yahoo and Bing, have followed Google.

You might also like to read this: List Of Social Media That Lied To Me About Rules Violation To Suppress Information

Even though these search engines have refused to index my articles, I still get readers hungry for the truth, from other social platforms. It's unfortunate that a writer can be a target to that extent for his work to suppressed when everyone wants a better world.

All the search engines can deny me exposure and kick me out from their search engines but I will remind them that 'when the rain falls, it doesn't fall on one man's roof,' the reason today, we are being consumed by the coronavirus because of the impact of lies behind it.

Google can even delete my blog if the company wishes to so but they will never be the same with their conscience and integrity since it will support my claim that they are corrupt.

I am not dead yet, but in Google's search engine, about our health blog 'Secrets Of HIV-Aids And Ebola Facts Journal,' I stumbled upon this:

  • Articles in relation to what CDC and WHO want you to know

But this is what we have written on our rare health blog: 

  • Articles not in relation to what CDC and WHO want you to know

You can imagine, if all these are taking place, while I am living, what will Google do to my blog if I am dead? They may change many things on my blog to render it useless in favor of the US government, Bill Gates, CDC, and WHO medical crimes.

Recently, I discovered that my articles submitted to "TuneTalkMedia," a news website in Ghana, backlinks, when clicked, directs readers to a different website instead of my blog. 

' A strange website that has stolen my link to its site

' A strange website that has stolen my link to its site

This is illegal and crime as well, to block the link to an author's website with your advert. I contacted the editor and was surprised to know about it, the fact that he doesn't even know how it appeared there. They are doing every wrong thing that seems right to them to suppress and manipulate my blog.

Donald Trump against the World Health Organization

Look at the shameful situation which unfolded in America recently about the World Health Organization. Donald Trump called the World Health Organization corrupt and suspended its financial aid. Does Trump read history?

If he reads, he wouldn't call the World Health Organization corrupt because that's the health institution that actually helped the US government in the early eighties to inflict HIV-Aids, nodding disease, Burkitt's lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma diseases on the Ugandan population. 

Today, I am witnessing Google, Bing, and Yahoo, covering up the crimes of the US government, Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, tomorrow Donald Trump or another American leader crazier than Trump will also call Google corrupt. Time will tell. 

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