Monday, July 20, 2020

The Pride Of America Humbled By China But The Whole World Is Suffering

Between America and North Korea, stands China, the underestimated but most dangerous country in the world

The American government underestimates every government, especially, in third world countries, and has a certain pride that causes the country more harm than good. They sit and waste their precious time boasting of their guns, ammunition, tanks, and military prowess, while the enemy plots. 

This is the reason the 11 September took them by surprise. That plot could have been prevented.

Over the tension between North Korea and America, Donald Trump started in a very bad way with threats and boasts over the might of the American army. But Kim Jong-Un is not like an African leader America can intimidate, dominate and his country used to test the bio-weapons of Aids and Ebola.

Actually, Kim Jong-Un was the first world leader to accuse the US government and Bill Gates, of testing and spreading Ebola in Congo,  while like a scared dog with the tail tucked in between its thighs, no African leader was able to question the American government about this medical crime which also killed thousands of people in West Africa.

In one of our publications, we warned the American government to be careful when dealing with a man called Kim Jong-Un. This is a man the American government shouldn't underestimate because he is an extremely dangerous person. 

However, it escaped our attention to warn the American government about China. Even though our writings are based on medical crimes, biological weapons, and atrocities, Western European countries, and the United States of America, have committed on African soil, we follow political events around the world.

The fact is, the US government has provoked many world leaders around the globe but they are not ready to go to war with America, after the first and second world wars. But the US government thinks those not ready to go to war are scared of them. That's a big mistake.

Despite all the good political atmosphere between China and the US government, the same China is among the countries that hate America and for a long time want the country to go down on its knees. 

Every clandestine activity by the US government in the third world affects China because the country does business with almost all third world countries. 

This is the reason when America, under the administration of Obama, triggered the biological weapon of Ebola in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, China quickly went to rescue those countries to save its businesses with those countries from collapsing.

All these were causing tensions between America and China but no media is prepared to disseminate the right information. They are only interested in misleading and deceiving people with false information that bats are responsible for the spread of Ebola in Africa.

While the same Ebola virus had already appeared simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967. How do we expect the world to be a better place for ourselves and our children or the next generation if the truth is never given a chance in everything that we do?

If truly God exists as I believe, all the fake media, including BBC and CNN will collapse and people will be shocked over this article. This may happen while I am still living or after my death because these media houses have caused suffering to mankind than saving lives today. 

All the world leaders, politicians, and the media suppressing information, misleading, and deceiving the general public are responsible for the coronavirus today. The world is now paying for all your crimes and the continuous support you gave to America by telling the world that bats are responsible for Ebola.

Once you hide information it is the denial and perversion of justice to those vulnerable ones, especially in the third world that decades after slavery, colonial brutality, Apartheid, deliberate HIV-Aids, Ebola, and other man-made diseases, they are still suffering today.

America has fought many wars and dropped many bombs on the innocent populations but nothing significant was achieved but China has defeated the whole world with coronavirus. 

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