Sunday, July 19, 2020

Trump Did Support The WHO And CDC Before The Coronavirus Devastated America

Trump supported the medical crimes committed by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, in the third world countries until the impact of the coronavirus changed everything

Trump supported the medical crimes committed by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, in the third world countries until the impact of the coronavirus changed everything

Donald Trump has been a well known American president openly attacking the media on a social platform like Twitter.  He attacked the Wall Street Journal as 'fake news' over his North Korea comments and also accused the CNN repeatedly of twisting information.

Like all the American presidents, Trump has also enjoyed and supported false information about certain diseases provided decades ago, by the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control on their health websites.

Is Donald Trump an ungrateful person or a man who wouldn't acknowledge how good the mainstream media, including CNN, have actually played a major role in covering up all the medical crimes the US government has committed in Africa?

Yes, I need to make it clear to readers that the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control have misled and deceived the world with false information about certain diseases. On their websites is false information that monkeys and bats are responsible for HIV-Aids, Ebola.

However, the true fact is together with Burkitt’s lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma and nodding disease, which false scientists call it ‘Strange disease,’ they are all man-made or biological weapons triggered in Africa, by the US government, under the supervision of the World Health Organization.


So what went wrong then all of a sudden the relationship between the US government and the World Health Organization went sour for Trump to threaten the World Health Organization to cease funding the biggest health institution in the world?


The US government actually can’t stand terrorism and medical crimes themselves, yet for decades, the Pentagon has been carrying out several biological warfare and depopulation programs.


With the assistance of millionaires, such as Bill Gates, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, the US government has been controlling the population of third world countries and their resources. 

Through biological weapons, contaminated vaccines, drugs, medicines, and food, the US government, under the supervision of the World Health Organization, deliberately inflicted diseases such as HIV-Aids and Ebola, then scientifically shift the blame on primates.


The dangerous part of this false medical crusade and doctrine, which pose a threat to the world today, is the fact that all major or big health websites in the world follow the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control to provide the same false information about Aids, Ebola, Nodding disease, Kaposi’s sarcoma, etc, on their websites.

And the fact is with this false information about hidden man-made diseases or biological weapons, our children and the entire education are in jeopardy because they are being thought false sources of diseases that were actually man-made, yet nobody cares about that.

Children go to school and when they graduate to be doctors, what they learned was “HIV-Aids and Ebola are diseases spread by bats and monkeys, while indeed, they are all biological weapons. In this present generation, every evil thing is accepted as normal.


People actually love to ignore the truth but we shall all pay for it at the right time. One of the payments has come around, that is the coronavirus. Today, innocent people are receiving the wages of the sins the so-called superpower countries have committed.

The coronavirus has devastated the United States of America to the extent that Trump is hopeless without any solution and now has turned his anger on CNN and the World Health, institutions that for decades have helped America to cover up its medical crimes in Africa.

Until the world becomes a better place for all of us to lead a normal happy and healthy lives, we must allow peace and the truth to reign in whatever we do because whatever evil politicians or governments do, they will always come back to haunt them. 

They should never forget this, they will never escape the full anger of the evil they have sown from generation to generation.

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