Thursday, November 12, 2020


The Rod of Asclepius, a symbol of healing, photo credit: Caduceus tattoo images

The Rod of Asclepius, a symbol of healing, photo credit: Caduceus tattoo images

There are millions of writers around the globe. Some write about fiction, non-fiction, romance, thriller, and crime but depending on the subjects that you write, one can be respected, loved, and admired, or become a subject of hate, surrounded by an empire of deceitful enemies because they see you as a threat.

One of the categories of writers hated most by health institutions, the media, and governments, is those that often writes about the true origin of diseases or exposing the lies and deceptions around man-made disease from the lab, yet governments, the media, and some bad scientists lying about their origins.

Fortunately, we are part of a generation in a technological advancement age, supported by research, can stand and challenge those health institutions, governments, politicians, the liars, deceivers, and the fake scientists, that have brainwashed the mind of the general public to accept that monkeys and bats are responsible for HIV-aids, and Ebola. 

Such authors writing about the true origin of man-made diseases are not appreciated in society because they are exposing governments, health institutions, and politicians, that for decades have been lying about those laboratory-created diseases.

Since a biological weapon on humans is a crime against humanity, health institutions, such as the World Health Organization, and Centers for Disease Control, have provided on their websites with false information about diseases, such as Aids, Ebola, nodding disease, Kaposi's sarcoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, etc.

These health institutions, and governments, do not only pay the media to advertise false information on health issues but also pay search engine companies to rank high their false information websites number one and above all, to make their websites visible any time one clicks for health information. They pay a lot of money for that.

Therefore, if you are a medical writer telling the world that HIV-aids and Ebola, have nothing to do with monkeys or bats, then you are considered a threat. Firstly, you are exposing them and secondly, you want to ruin their businesses which are generating millions of dollars each year to search engine companies and the media.

Which media will keep deceiving health journalists and liars, such as Sanjay Gupta of CNN, claiming 'bats for Ebola,' if the US government, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, are not paying CNN? 

As long as their lies and deceptions are generating money for them, they consider money more precious than the life of a human being. This is one of the reasons, despite that, I haven't committed any crime, I have been expelled from many social media with false accusations that I have broken their rules. 

Reference: List Of Social Media That Lied To Me About Rules Violation To Suppress Information

I have never violated any social media rules, it is an accusation to throw me out from their platforms because governments, such the US and health institutions, such as the WHO and CDC are considering our articles as a threat, since WHO supervised both the US and British, Belgium, Holland, France, etc, governments biological programs in Africa.

Since the truth is bitter than the bile, their aim is once you are expelled from the social platforms, you have no place to share your articles that they consider a threat, at the same time, they are also forcing you to change your identity to join or KNOW THE MEMBERS OF THE 'AIDS AND EBOLA LIARS' CLUB

The flags of the original members of the 'Aids And Ebola Liars' Club (AAELC)

The flags of the original members of the 'Aids And Ebola Liars' Club (AAELC)

The truth is, you can take a horse to the river but can't force the animal to drink, in other words, no matter the number of social media that would lie against me for violating their rules and kick me out from their platforms or search engines deny me any visibility, I will never change my identity to join the "Aids and Ebola Liars' Club."

I prefer to die with a clean conscience, integrity, and in the truth than to live rich in corruption. The US government, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control's biological weapons crimes, world leaders supported have now come back as COVID 19, to kill us.

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