Saturday, December 19, 2020

Contrary To The Love And Care Politicians Assure Us, We Now Live In Fear

The late Bob Marley sang much about political crimes causing so much troubles in this world

The late Bob Marley sang much about political crimes causing so much troubles in this world

"Building church and university, deceiving the people continually. Graduating thieves and murderers." This is part of the lyrics of the song called 'Babylon System," by the great Jamaican reggae star, Bob Marley, who died in 1981.

The powerful lyrics of many musicians, especially, reggae artists, including Bob Marley, still hold the truth, reflecting on today's violence, crime, and clandestine activities of politicians, making this world unbearable to live any longer.

As citizens and workers, we believe that our leaders must demonstrate confidence and show care and love to the people they rule, unfortunately, worldwide, many have lost confidence in politicians because of their clandestine actions and unpleasant thoughts, that are taking their toll on citizens or the common people today.

I am an African writer, therefore, readers or people shouldn't expect me to write like a European or American writer. Should in case, I haven't been to Europe, I wouldn't have known the truth. In Africa, we thought journalism in Europe and America is transparent, and nothing but the truth. I discovered later that it is full of lies, and deceptions.

While the BBC and CNN show African programs, to impress the world that they love and care about the continent, they hide the real facts of many crimes committed by the western European and American governments in Africa. Yes, they push the true facts of medical crimes under the carpet, while they declare war on the articles by African writers exposing them.

It's even ridiculous, dangerous, and very shameful, as both media that claim they have qualified health journalists, will support the crimes of the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the US government, to disseminate false medical information on their websites that bats, monkeys, poverty, and bushmeat, are responsible for Aids and Ebola in Africa, while indeed, are biological weapons.

Who will then trust the World Health Organization's persuasion today that the coronavirus vaccine is safe, therefore, everyone must vaccinate against COVID 19? Once, you lied to the people, you have ruined your confidence and nothing can be done to restore it even if you are speaking the truth.

Crimes are easy to commit by many people, without any remorse but they often forget that even if it takes over a hundred or thousands, they will get their payback. One of the paybacks is what we see now as the coronavirus that has ravaged both Europe and the United States of America today.

Africa is the richest continent in the world, yet remains the poorest because of slavery, colonial atrocities, Apartheid, and medical crimes, including the deliberate spread of diseases. Why for God's sake? Yet, this is the only continent in the world that major resources are holding the economies of the United States of America and Europe strongly.

I find it so hard to trust politicians because of what Bob Marley said, "they are thieves and murderers," but they enjoy the impunity of every crime they commit, while they put people that commit lesser crimes behind bars, while, they fight against terrorism, meanwhile, they are white-collar terrorists themselves. Oh, yes, the truth is bitter than the bile but we shall speak it.

Contrary to the love and care politicians assure us, we now live in fear, disappointment, and sadness, because of the coronavirus, yet when I write the truth, my efforts against crime are suppressed in some ways because they can’t stand the truth. Unfortunately, they are not willing to change their evil ways too, therefore, the world can't heal.

I don't hate Belgium, in fact, it's completely wrong or even a sin to bite the fingers that feed you. It's a great country that I have learned a lot to become what I am today. They pretend they don't know me, I also pretend I don't know them but I will never stop hitting against them until they do the right thing.

"If there is no statue of Adolf Hitler, in any part of this world, including Germany and his native Austria, then there shouldn't be any statue of King Leopold II, for killing thousands of Africans (Congolese), including women and children. It's a crime even Satan will never forgive them, let alone the almighty God."

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